How to print your record data

Users print record data by selecting one or more records with the data they want printed, and then selecting an output format to layout and style the data. Output formats use Microsoft Word templates (with a .docx
extension), Excel templates (with a .xlsx
extension)1 or XSLT style sheets by default to specify what fields (data) are included in the printed output, as well as to lay out and style the data.
From Collections 1.10 and Axiell Designer onwards it is also possible to implement adapl-only output formats to generate output as a plain text file (which can also be a .csv
file) or as a PDF file. Details here.
A number of output formats are available in Collections out-of-the-box, each designed for a specific printing / reporting purpose; these can be modified and additional Word or XSLT templates can be built. Users select Print in the top Toolbar to display the Output formats box, from which they select an output format.
Configuring output formats
- General details about Output jobs / formats can be found here.
- Details about configuring output jobs can be found here.
- Details about adapl-only output formats to generate output as a plain text file or as a PDF file can be found here.
Creating output formats for Collections
- Details about designing output formats based on Word templates can be found here.
- Details about creating XSLT style sheets for Collections can be found in the Programming XSLT style sheets for Adlib and Axiell guide (chapters 1.2.6 and 2.2.2). XSLT programming is experience required.
Storing uploaded templates
Users are able to select a predefined output format from the Output formats box or they can click the ellipsis beside Find document template2 to select a custom Word or Excel template accessible to their device. By default, in systems running Model Application 5.1 and earlier a custom template must be loaded every time a user wants to use it. However, it is possible to configure Collections to save custom templates uploaded through the Output formats box and to make them available from the Output formats box. Details here.
Note: With Model Application 5.2 a template uploaded through the Output formats box is automatically added to the box and a record is created for the template in the Uploaded templates data source.
Direct printing from within Collections (local Collections installations only)
From Collections 1.18 onwards it is possible to configure Collections to print directly to a local printer rather than opening a third-party application (Word, Excel, a browser for instance) first. Details here.
It is possible to print data from the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance., marked
Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). records (mark them before selecting Print) or all records currently displaying.
To print your data:
- Select Print
in the top Toolbar
Use the keyboard shortcut, CTRL+P.
The Output formats box will display:
Output format icons
To assist with identifying the type of output, each option in the Output formats box includes an icon with the following meaning3:
A Word document will be created and saved to your Downloads folder.
An Excel spreadsheet will be created and saved to your Downloads folder.
An XML or HTML page will be generated by an XSLT stylesheet and saved to your Downloads folder.
A CSV, text or PDF document will open in your browser.
Any other output format type not included in the above categories.
The Output formats box lists one or more output formats, each designed (by Axiell or your Application Administrator) for a specific printing / reporting purpose. Output formats use Microsoft Word templates, Excel templates4 or XSLT style sheets to specify what fields (data) are included in the printed output, as well as to lay out and style the data.
Note: If the predefined output formats do not meet your needs, you can configure your own. Details here.
About Output formats
While not all data sources
The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. have output formats, most have one or more, and each is designed for a specific printing / reporting purpose. Output formats are built using either Microsoft Word templates (with a
extension), Excel templates (with a.xlsx
extension)5 or XSLT style sheets:Icon
A Word document will be created and saved to your Downloads folder.
Word templates can be designed according to house-styles, including logos, colours and fonts. They can be used in parts of the application that generate letters and documents, for example in Loans. Word templates can be designed to print labels and barcodes; and of course, PDF files can be created from Word documents that are generated in Axiell Collections.
When you select an output format based on a Word template, your record data will be output as a Word document, which can be edited if required and printed.
Note: Microsoft Word 2007 or higher must be available on your computer.
An Excel spreadsheet will be created and saved to your Downloads folder.
(Optionally) add text as column headers, with field references (either field tag or system name) added to cells in a single row:
When you select an output format based on an Excel template, your record data will be output as an Excel spreadsheet, which can be edited if required and printed:
An XSLT style sheet can generate HTML output styled for your organization. When you select an output format based on an XSLT style sheet, your record data will be output as an XML or HTML page and saved to your Downloads folder.
A CSV, text or PDF document will be created by an adapl and opened in your browser.
Any other output format type not included in the above categories.
Application Administrators are able to modify output formats and to design additional Word, Excel or XSLT templates for selection from the Output formats box.
- Select an output format
Click the ellipsis beside Find document template6 to select a custom template accessible to your device.
More information about uploading custom templates
In systems using a Model Application prior to version 5.2 a custom template typically has to be uploaded every time it is needed. It is possible however for Application Administrators to configure Collections to save custom templates automatically when they are uploaded through the Output formats box; this will create a record for the template in the Uploaded templates data source and make the template available to authorized users in the Output formats box.
Note: Application Administrators will find details about how to configure Collections to save custom templates uploaded through the Output formats box under Storing uploaded custom templates in the Implementation guide.
With Model Application 5.2 a template uploaded through the Output formats box is automatically added to the box and a record is created in the Uploaded templates data source. In this data source authorized users can manage the list of templates in the Output formats box, change the name of templates (by default an uploaded template is listed using its file name and a prefix of Uploaded), determine access to templates, and hide templates:
Tip: More details about uploading custom templates and working with the Uploaded templates data source can be found here.
- The Marked radio button will be selected if you marked
Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). records before selecting Print, otherwise the Current radio button will be selected. If you want to print data from all currently listed records, select the All radio button.
(Optional) If the Print button is available in the Output formats box7, you can select it to print your data without first opening the template in a third-party application (step 5).
Direct printing
Select Print to display a Select printer dialogue from which a printer is chosen:
Select a printer and click OK to print your data using the selected output format (ignore step 5 below).
Note: This option is currently only available for local implementations of Collections and not the hosted implementation of Collections. It is anticipated that this functionality will be available for hosted customers sometime in 2024.
- Click OK.
What happens next depends on whether the output format you selected is based on an XSLT style sheet, Word or Excel template:
- XSLT style sheet: your record data will be output as an HTML page in a new tab in your browser.
Note: To print the output, use your browser's print function.
- Word template: your record data will be output as a Word document.
Open the Word doc, edit and save if required and print using Word's print function (CTRL+P).
Note: Microsoft Word 2007 or higher must be installed on your computer in order to export data to a Word document (and possibly print that document) using Word templates.
- Excel template: your record data will be output as an Excel spreadsheet.
Open the Excel spreadsheet, edit and save if required and print using Excel's print function (CTRL+P).
- XSLT style sheet: your record data will be output as an HTML page in a new tab in your browser.