Exhibition items

The primary use of the Exhibitions and venues1 data source is to document and manage the status and details of exhibitions and the venues at which they take place. In conjunction with Exhibition items, it is possible to document and manage individual items exhibited at each venue of an exhibition:

  • We document and manage the status and details of an exhibition and the venues at which it takes place in Exhibitions and venues records.
  • We document and manage the items associated with an exhibition in Exhibition items records.

Although records can be created in an Items data source in the usual ways (in Loan items for example) and from there manually linked to the relevant activity record (Loans, etc.) and Catalogue record, the recommended way to create Items records is to use the tasks designed for creating and linking records. That is the method described below.

In the case of Exhibition items records, the Create exhibition items task is run in the Catalogue after first markingClosed Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). one or more object records: to run this task there must be a record for each item in the Catalogue; typically there would already be a record for the exhibition in Exhibitions and venues and for each of the venues at which items are to be present.

When the task is run an Exhibition items record is created for each selected object; each Exhibition items record sits between the object's Catalogue record and at least two records in Exhibitions and venues: one for the exhibition (which lists ALL items associated with the exhibition, including those that are ultimately rejected for some reason) and another for the venue (listing ONLY items present at the venue for the purposes of the exhibition, including those that are not on display for some reason).

For this demonstration we have an exhibition called Melbourne 2025, which is documented in an exhibition record in Exhibitions and venues. The exhibition will take place at two venues, which are documented in venue records in Exhibitions and venues:

Exhibitions and venues

Note: We step through the creation of exhibition and venue records here.

To create one or more Exhibition items records:

  1. In the Catalogue, markClosed Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). the record for each item being considered for inclusion in the exhibition.
  2. Select Create exhibition items from the Task drop list in the Result set View toolbar.

    The Create exhibition items pop-up will display:

    Create exhibition items

  3. Complete the fields in the Create exhibition items pop-up:




    Exhibition is a Linked fieldClosed A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref). to Exhibition and venues. Records in this data source hold high-level details about an exhibition event that may involve multiple items, each one of which is documented in its own Exhibition items record. You document and manage the overall status and details of an exhibition in an Exhibition and venues record; you document and manage the status and details of an individual item in an Exhibition items record.

    If you know the name of the exhibition, start keying it into the field and select it from the drop list when it displays:

    Create exhibition items

    Otherwise click the Link icon to display the Find data for the field box; search for the relevant exhibition event or create a record for the exhibition and link to it (if authorized to do so).

    Details about working with the Find data for the field box can be found here.


    An exhibition can be held at one or more venues. When you specify the name of the exhibition in the Exhibition field, the Venues drop list is automatically filtered to venue(s) already specified for this exhibition (in the exhibition's Exhibition and venues record):

    Create exhibition items

    Here we assign the items selected at Step 1 to the venue(s) at which they are required:

    • Select the first venue for the exhibition in Venue 1; a Venue 2 drop list will be added. If the exhibition only has one venue, ignore the Venue 2 drop list and move on to Step 4.
    • If an exhibition has multiple venues and all items are required at all venues, select each venue from the drop lists.

      Note: An item might not be displayed at a particular venue (perhaps it is not suited to that locale) but it travels with the other exhibition items, eventually moving on to a venue where it will be exhibited. In this case, the item is assigned to each venue where it is required to be and flagged as Not on display where appropriate.


    • If some items are NOT required at ALL venues, repeat the Create exhibition items task for items that are only required at a subset of venues (explained above), only selecting venues where those items are required.

  4. Click OK to create the Exhibition items record(s).

    When the task is run, an Exhibition items record is created for each item selected in the Catalogue at Step 1; all of them are listed on the Items panels in the Exhibition and venues record for the exhibition AND the Exhibition and venues record(s) for the nominated venues. Here we see the Items panel in the record for the exhibition:

    Exhibition details

    Both venues records selected above include these details:

    Exhibition details

    In the Catalogue record for each item selected at Step 1, the Exhibitions panel now includes details about the exhibition event (linking to an exhibition record in Exhibitions and venues) and the Exhibition items record created for the item:

    Exhibitions tab

You will probably want to add more detail to the Exhibition items record(s) created by this task, and may want to update the status of each item as it progresses through the approvals process (they have a status of pending by default). To do so, search the Exhibitions items data source for a record to provide far greater detail about the item and its involvement in the exhibition.

Tip: It is useful to open Related records View alongside Record details View and / or Result set View when working with Items records as all linked records are identified and can be navigated to with ease.

Exhibition items panels

Below we look at the key panels in an Exhibition items record: