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If getting started with Axiell Collections seems daunting, don't panic. Take a moment to understand these four key concepts about Collections and you will find that the application is far less complex than it may appear at first glance:

As you start working with Collections you will see that there are hundreds or even thousands of fields, but you will find that they all have the same few basic behaviours: numerous fields can be linked together, but they are all linked in the same way for instance. Once you understand how to work with a small part of Collections, you will be able to use the entire application.

And keep in mind that all you need to know about working with Collections can be found in this Help, and if more assistance is required, our Support team is there for you.

Log in and out of Collections

When you are finished working with Collections it is good practice to log out: do not simply close the browser tab in which you were working or close the browser itself.  

Not only is it more secure to log out rather than simply to close the browser or tab, your licence is immediately freed-up and available to other users in your organization.

Select the data source to work with

When you log in to Axiell Collections, the primary feature of the User Interface is the Main menu:

The Axiell Collections Window

Typically you will want to:

  • Add a new record: select New in the Main menu


  • Search for one or more existing records: select Search in the Main menu.

In both cases the Select data source box will display, listing data sources you are authorized to work with.

In Collections we work in a single data source at a time: we search for records in Persons and institutions for instance, and we edit records in that data source; when we add a new record, the first thing we do is select the data source to which the record will be added. Although we work in a single data source, we have access to information in many other data sources because records in different data sources are linked together (details above).

The Select data source box is a little different when adding and searching records (explained here), but the principle is the same in both cases: we must first select which data source we want to work with.

Here we see the Select data source box that displays when searching for records:

Select data source

Note: From Collections version 1.15 onwards it is possible to customize which data sources are listed in the Select data source box, and in what order. Details here.

To start searching for records or adding a new record, select the data source you wish to work with and click OK or press ENTER.

Full details about:

  • Adding a new record can be found here.
  • Searching for one or more existing records can be found here.

In Collections we work with records in one or more Display Views, each of which displays in its own pane within the Axiell Collections Window1. Different Views serve different purposes (Help View provides users with a description of a field's purpose and other data entry instructions) or provide a different view of the data in your records (the Media viewer displays all image, video, and audio files linked to the current record).

Each View has its own toolbar with options for working with records in that View. For instance, you typically add and edit records in Record details View and this View's toolbar includes options for adding a new record, editing the current record, adding an occurrenceClosed If a field in the current record can have more than one value, we add an occurrence of the field for each value (e.g. a book can have multiple authors so we add an occurrence of the (au) field for each author). An occurrence can be a member of a group of fields, and adding an occurrence of the field adds all members of the group at once. of a field to the current record, and so on.

More details
  • A description of all features of the Axiell Collections User interface from options in the Main menu through to a description of different types of fields can be found here.

  • Details about how to work with your records in each of the Display Views can be found here.