Release notes

As development of Adlib for Windows has ceased, functions introduced in Axiell Collections version 1.11 onwards are not supported by Adlib for Windows.
Applications using Collections-only functionality should never be opened in Adlib for Windows as the system may become unreliable.

Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 4.8 must be installed on the IIS server running Collections (after which the server needs to be rebooted).
Details about technical requirements and minimum specifications can be found here.

If you are installing Collections 1.19 on a Windows 2022 Server, you may receive the following error when attempting to run Collections:
Error loading SqlServerSpatial160.dll (ErrorCode: 126).
This indicates that the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version is not yet present on the server. You will find the latest version here:
Install the appropriate executable for your architecture (e.g. for X64) and Collections 1.19 should then run without problems.

Release Date: 17 December 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-6124 |
Spaces between field references on the same line in a Word template were removed when printing to the template. |
CV1-6355 |
Printed images were no longer scaled to fit the page, table cell or specified width. |

Release Date: 18 November 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved

Release Date: 23 September 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
New and changed features
- Last used thesaurus recalled by Collections
Fields linked to the Thesaurus can be configured to allow users to select and validate terms against external thesauri. If this option is available, the Find data for the field box includes a Thesaurus drop list (details here). Previously, Own thesaurus was selected by default and terms listed were pulled from this thesaurus:
Now the drop list is automatically populated with the last used thesaurus when the Find data for the field box is accessed.
- Application fields and URI fields now clickable in the Find data for the field box
Clicking a URL in the found terms list in the Find data for the field box, now opens the relevant URL in a new browser window.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-6307 |
If the URL for a Deep link contained an encoded space ( |
CV1-6274 |
Certain incorrectly designed Word templates could stop processing on certain records and Collections would stall. |
CV1-6267 |
Indexed links could cause data loss after executing the Change locations task. |
CV1-6262 |
Where an indexed link plus metadata existed between loan item and loans, when a loan item was created and linked to the loan and the metadata fields were updated, the data could be seen in the loan item, but the loan seemed to be unchanged. |
CV1-6259 |
In a specific application, a The multi-part identifier "collect.priref" could not be bound error appeared when doing a search without search key. |
CV1-6258 |
Searching in a field that is not merged-in in a group with an indexed link was not possible. |
CV1-6257 |
In certain setups, record level security was no longer enforced. |
CV1-6246 |
When retrieving records from external sources, Linked fields |
CV1-6237 |
Nested indirection searches such as |
CV1-6235 |
The Secrets store utility was unable to list all secrets and it was not possible to add a secret after the first secret was set. |
CV1-6228 |
No related records were visible in the Related records View for records in which a |
CV1-6214 |
An error or yes / no message created by an adapl during editing of a record caused the record to scroll away from the currently edited field. |
CV1-6213 |
For some access points |
CV1-6212 |
Under certain circumstances, thousands separators in numbers in multilingual applications were not displayed when switching the user interface language to a different language. |
CV1-6192 |
There was an error using the scheduler to import records into a multilingual Linked field for which the Allow the creation of new linked records option (set in Axiell Designer |
CV1-6172 |
The Export to Excel function always returned numerical values in American format (1,000.00 instead of 1.000,00). The fix makes sure that numeric fields exported to Excel never have thousands separators. The exported decimal character will be as configured for / by the user, the same as is displayed in Collections. |
CV1-6163 |
The display of the Find data for the field box was distorted when the relevant field linked to a numerically indexed field. |
CV1-6086 |
In a table grid, variable domains on linked terms were not respected and disappeared after entering new terms with those domains. |

Release Date: 02 July 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-6188 |
Images were incorrectly printed to Word templates: too large and distorted. |
CV1-6187 |
When printing all occurrences |
CV1-6160 |
When |
CV1-6126 |
A Bad Request occurred when trying to run an Output format |
CV1-6119 |
Auto-complete lists and the Find data for the field term list did not populate for Linked fields |
CV1-6100 |
An Object reference not set to an instant of an object error occurred when adding occurrences in a table grid. |
CV1-6093 |
When Full Text indexing and a |
CV1-6092 |
Users with roles regularly encountered a server error when using Hierarchy browser. |
CV1-6091 |
Record type access restrictions set in |
CV1-6087 |
The |
CV1-6082 |
When exporting data to an |
CV1-6077 |
When the Edit link group on demand screen box setting was enabled, enumerative fields |
CV1-6071 |
Advanced search operator |
CV1-6067 |
When a field reference in a Word template contained an explicit occurrence number higher than 1, that same occurrence number was printed (instead of the first occurrence) for any following fields without an explicit occurrence number. |
CV1-6060 |
A |
CV1-6048 |
Linking more than one internally and hierarchically linked record gave a false Linking this record will result in a circular reference error. |
CV1-6044 |
For access points |
CV1-6038 |
There was a Bad request error after using Clear on non-linked fields in a Standard search. |
CV1-6036 |
When a Linked field |
CV1-6034 |
Copy lists within an occurrence group would always copy from the first occurrence. |
CV1-6008 |
Some searches in Full Text indexes were very slow. |
CV1-6004 |
In certain circumstances, removing occurrences from a table grid could result in the wrong occurrence being removed. |
CV1-5923 |
When specifying Favourites on enumerative fields |
CV1-5921 |
SSO with Multi-tenants was not working if the user belonged to a group that had access to more than one application. |

Release Date: 16 April 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5953 |
Possible security issues: some code libraries were not up-to-date. |
CV1-5942 |
An Object reference not set... error occurred when printing to a "raw" printer service. |
CV1-5914 |
The calendar widget accessed from the Date column Filter option in the Journal Maintenance window was too small to display all of its content and could not be enlarged. |
CV1-5901 |
Index not updated on a field in a hierarchical index Linked field |
CV1-5899 |
When the Hierarchical internal link type |
CV1-5897 |
When populating a Linked field that merges in a mixture of single and multi-occurrence fields (via Linked field mapping), the first occurrence |
CV1-5895 |
A pseudonym link reference was not removed when a linked record was deleted. |
CV1-5882 |
There was sometimes a difference in the number of hits displayed in Result set View and the number of hits displayed for an associated Advanced search set. |
CV1-5856 |
Printing with |
CV1-5845 |
People records stored with an empty name.type ( |
CV1-5842 |
If a field [ |
CV1-5840 |
CV1-5839 |
There were inconsistent search results for variations of the same Advanced search query. |
CV1-5833 |
In the Record details View Settings dialogue, selecting the Has Data filter mode and clicking OK would only hide screens that were completely empty. |
CV1-5816 |
There was an Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception when creating a use / used for relation. |
CV1-5810 |
A user that beloned to more than one AD group did not get the access rights of the group in which the user has the most rights. |
CV1-5808 |
Typing data in a table grid field was no longer possible. |
CV1-5769 |
In a bespoke data source |
CV1-5758 |
Linked metadata fields appeared in the Advanced search field list as non-indexed. |
CV1-5750 |
An indirection search on an indexed link gave an invalid column name 'term' error. |
CV1-5744 |
There was an error The method or operation is not implemented. when attempting to import a certain record into a particular database. |
CV1-5743 |
Printing to a Word template could result in an Unreadable content found error when opening the generated document in Word. |
CV1-5740 |
Circular references would freeze Collections. With the fix, the check for circular links now supports multiple levels. When a circular link is detected in a record, the following error is shown and Collections no longer freezes: Linking this record will result in a circular reference. |
CV1-5728 |
An Output format |
CV1-5707 |
Related records View did not show (all) references from a linked metadata table field. |
CV1-5692 |
A Word template Output format printed HTML codes from HTML field data (instead of interpreting them). |
CV1-5679 |
Export to Excel used full-size images instead of thumbnails when using the webAPI instead of the File system for image retrieval. |
CV1-5638 |
In a Word template, the last fixed word in a cell was printed in the next column. |
CV1-5636 |
Parentheses in a Word template gave unwanted results during printing. |
CV1-5635 |
There was a Forcing is not allowed error when using an Import job to update records with a term whose status was candidate, obsolete or rejected, . |
CV1-5617 |
Penetration tests sometimes reported that security headers were not implemented, but research showed these reports were false positives, so the bug required no action. |
CV1-5599 |
Standard search lists on linked alpha-numerically indexed fields |
CV1-5566 |
If a record had a field with a default value and that value was changed, copying the record would result in the new record having the default value rather than the changed value. |
CV1-5558 |
Data from previous records was printed in the table of thecurrent record |
CV1-5531 |
Using the ADAPL |
CV1-5484 |
Word template headers were repeated for every record when printing reports. |
CV1-5420 |
Repeated occurrences would overwrite the next row / cell in a table when printing to a Word template. |
CV1-5382 |
Records were wrongly listed as narrower when exporting multiple records to Word template, but not if only one record was being exported. |
CV1-5375 |
Upload of large files (larger than 4 GB) was too slow. |
CV1-5286 |
Printing to label sheets only printed records to the first label column. |
CV1-5272 |
Search and replace of a term by a non-preferred term did not replace the non-preferred term with its preferred term. |
CV1-5104 |
The Context string of a multilingual field was not consistently made up out of elements in the current data language. |
CV1-5098 |
It was no longer possible to print to previously uploaded Word templates: the print job would use a different template. |

Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 4.8 must be installed on the IIS server running Collections (after which the server needs to be rebooted).
Details about technical requirements and minimum specifications can be found here.

Release Date: 26 February 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5840 |
After updating to Axiell Collections 1.18, all users had access to features only intended for |
CV1-5787 |
When using a comma instead of a Boolean |
CV1-5777 |
An HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found error was thrown when attempting to access a copied Deep link. |
CV1-5757 |
Record access restrictions were ignored by Record History Reports. |
CV1-5436 |
Hierarchy browser did not refresh after bulk creation of Item / Article records. |
CV1-5429 |
In Hierarchy browser when an item was dragged to another item to change their order, the dragged item was inserted above the item it was dropped on, but Hierarchy browser incorrectly displayed it as being inserted below the item it was dropped on. |

Release Date: 11 January 2024

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

Clicking the Search button in the Result set View toolbar displays a pop-up with a drop list of search fields in the current data source The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. and, typically, a <Simple search> option:
The <Simple search> option is a way to search multiple (indexed) fields simultaneously. Hover the cursor over <Simple search> to display a tooltip listing the field tags A field tag is a unique two character identifier for a field. of all indexed fields that will be searched simultaneously:
If the <Simple search> option is available in the Search drop list in Result set View, it can also be included on the Standard search tab. Here we see the Standard search tab in Collections 1.17:
Previously, when running a <Simple search> the equals search operator was employed by default but this has been changed to contains all; contains all is less strict than equals and more likely to return matching records especially when you enter multiple search terms in an order that differs from the order in which they are stored in the record (notably personal names, which might be recorded as last name, first name or first name last name): contains all tells Collections to locate the search value anywhere in the search field.
Since the search operator used with Simple search is set to contains all and cannot be changed, the drop list of search operators has been removed when Simple search is added to the Standard search tab:

Users are able to customize many areas of Collections, including what information displays in Display Views; which search fields are listed on the Standard search tab in the Search box, and what settings are used when Importing and Exporting data. Changes made to these settings are associated with a user's account and recalled by Collections whenever the user logs in.
Some Settings dialogue boxes (for Record details View, Result set View and Gallery View; and Select data source for instance) include a Reset option to restore the defaults in that Settings box only. This option is now also available in the Hierarchy browser and Related records View, as well as the Settings boxes for Standard search, Import and Export.
Tip: An option available from the Main menu allows users to return ALL settings that they have changed throughout Collections to the default (details here).

Keyboard shortcuts are now available for navigating between occurrences If a field in the current record can have more than one value, we add an occurrence of the field for each value (e.g. a book can have multiple authors so we add an occurrence of the (au) field for each author). An occurrence can be a member of a group of fields, and adding an occurrence of the field adds all members of the group at once. of the same field in Record details View. When a field occurrence is selected in either Display or Edit mode
A record is either in Display mode (we view its details) or Edit mode (we add or edit its details). A record enters Edit mode as soon as we create a new record, copy a record in Record details View or edit an existing record., use Shift+↓ or Shift+↑ to move to the next / previous occurrence of the same field.
For example, if an object record has three occurrences of the Production group of fields and the Creator field currently has focus, click Shift+↓ to move to the next instance of the Creator field:
If one of the Role fields had focus, using these shortcuts would move to the next / previous instance of the Role field.
Note: The Tab and Shift+Tab shortcuts move to the next / previous field (e.g. Creator to Qualifier to Role to Place to Production Notes to the next Creator field and so on).

A Screens drop list has been added to the Record details View toolbar for managing panels (aka screens). Three options are available:
To open all panels:
- Click Open all panels
Use the keyboard shortcut, ALT+<down arrow>
To open panels only if there is data in their fields:
- Click Open all panels with data
To close all panels:
- Click Close all panels
Use the keyboard shortcut, ALT+<up arrow>

Pop-up notifications are used throughout Collections in response to actions you perform, such as saving a record:
A notification displays for about eight seconds and overlays a number of Toolbar icons for the duration; clicking the notification will cause it to disappear immediately. If you consider this to be an unnecessary distraction or prefer not to receive such notifications at all, it is possible to hide notifications (perhaps you are undertaking high volume data entry and the notification is constantly in the way of the Toolbar).
A Hide notifications option has been added to the Record Details settings box:
Drag the slider to enable the option to hide all informative messages (those with a green or blue background). Warnings (notifications with an orange background) and Errors (those with a red background) will always display when required as they require some action on your part.

An internal link defines the relation between records in the same data source The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on., typically an Authority data source
Authority data sources are used for vocabulary control and they manage the many names and terms referenced by records in almost every other data source. The purpose of a controlled vocabulary is to ensure consistent use of names and terms throughout your records and this is achieved by specifying that a name or term is preferred; then when a non-preferred version of a name or term is selected in a Linked field drop list, it is automatically replaced with the preferred name or term. such as the Thesaurus or Persons and institutions, where records can be linked to each other to capture various types of relationships between records (e.g. hierarchical, preferred, related). Internal links are configured in Axiell Designer
A tool for designing, creating, customizing and managing Axiell Collections applications and databases, broadly speaking, the Axiell Collections Model Application. As well as managing databases, including user access and permissions, Designer is used for such tasks as translating field labels, tooltips, values in drop lists, etc. and more details can be found in the Axiell Designer Help. A new Internal link association properties tab in Axiell Designer allows Application Administrators to specify that when a particular internal link relationship is formed (a term is linked to a related term), and a user enters a phrase in an associated field clarifying the relation between the two terms (e.g. based on, is variant of or has part), a matching phrase will automatically display in an associated field in the related record (e.g. result of, has variant or is part of):
Above we see the internal link association properties specifying pairs of phrases for a term with a related term (term<>related_term), but note that some relationships allow for defining comment pairs for two fields, e.g. broader_term<>term<>narrower_term.
In the Association field property, we specify a field in which a value from the Association column must be entered by a user; in the Reverse association field property, a value from the Reverse association column would be entered (if the Reverse association field property is greyed out, the Association field will be used as the Reverse association field).
Application Administrators can define the values and fields that suit their internal links. Some useful examples are:
For related works:
- based on <> result of
- has part <> is part of
- sequel of <> prequel of
- released with <> released with
- is variant of <> has variant
For related names:
- changed from <> changed to
- has alias <> is alias for
- has member <> is member of
- hived off from <> has hived off
- merged with <> merged with
For copy history:
- copied from <> copied to
When a user creates a new record, links to another record in the same data source, and enters one of the values from the Association / Reverse association list in the associated field, the matching value will be entered in its associated field in the other record, as long as that field was empty, when the record is saved.
If a record with an internal link already exists and a user enters a value in an empty associated field, the matching value will be added to the other record if its associated field was also empty.
Details are available in the Axiell Designer Release notes.

In Collections it is possible to view your data in predefined reports, and to print these reports. Reporting and printing use the same templates (Microsoft Word templates, Excel templates or XSLT style sheets for example) to lay out and style your data; the main difference between reporting and printing is that reporting displays your record data on-screen, and printing is obviously intended to output your data to a printer.
When printing record data, you select Print in the top Toolbar to display the Output formats box and select a template. When you select an output format, your data is styled, laid out and presented in a third-party application - in a Word document (opening MS Word), Excel spreadsheet (opening MS Excel) or web page (opened in a tab in your browser) - and from the open application you are then able to print the data.
An option is now available in Collections to print the result of an Output format directly to a printer, rather than opening the third party application first. When available, a Print button is added to the Output formats box:
Select an output format from the list and then select Print to display a Select printer dialogue from which a printer is chosen:
Note that this option is currently only available for local implementations of Collections and not the hosted implementation of Collections. It is anticipated that this functionality will be available for hosted customers sometime in 2024.
More details:
- Details about printing your data are available here.
- Details about setting up this option, which involves modifying settings.xml, are available in the Axiell Designer Release notes.

Saved searches can be scheduled to run automatically at specified times with the result of the saved search printed or emailed. In the Saved search schedule dialogue it is possible to specify how the output of the saved search is formatted. Previously this entailed entering the path to an adapl or style sheet in the Format text field, e.g.:
The Format text field has been changed to a drop list, allowing you to select from any output formats An Output format is an XSLT style sheet or Microsoft Word or Excel template that specifies what fields are included in a report or printed output, and how the data is laid out and styled. available in your system (predefined or uploaded to the Uploaded templates data source), rather than typing the path to a desired output format.
If the list of output formats is long, start typing an output format title to filter the list to matching titles:
Note that if a path was previously entered in the Format text field, this will be respected UNTIL it is manually deleted from the field; at this point the text field will change to a drop list and an output format will need to be selected.

Although the read-only EXIF data and IPTC data panels in the Multimedia documentation data source The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. are designed for holding image metadata, they have, until now, served no purpose:
Now (with Axiell Collections 1.18, Axiell Designer 1.13 and Ingest it is possible to extract metadata from image files and populate fields on these (and potentially other) tabs with metadata extracted from an image file:
- Metadata can only be extracted from image files (no other media files are supported) and only when a new image file is saved to a media record (either directly in the Multimedia documentation data source or indirectly, that is, when an image file is saved to a Catalogue record that links to the Multimedia documentation data source).
- The data is stored in the media record and it is fixed, unchanging.
- There is currently no way to update an existing media record with the metadata in its associated image file.
- Since the metadata is stored in the media records, it is possible to define indexes and access points
An access point is a user-friendly way to search a field or combination of fields or to execute a search statement (known as a fixed query). Access points are found on the Standard tab of the Search box and most often comprise a label (naming the field / fields to be searched) and a search field in which you enter or select a value to search for. Only indexed fields can be set up as access points (an index is a database table designed to speed up the search of frequently queried fields; it only contains values from a field and the id number of the records in which that value appears). Non-indexed fields can be searched on the Advanced search tab. for selected fields in order to search on those fields quickly.
Enabling this functionality involves metadata field mapping for the image field (usually tag FN
) in media.inf
. Details are available in the Axiell Designer Release notes.

Certain functionality is typically only available to users who have been assigned the $ADMIN
role. From Axiell Designer 7.13 it is possible to allow non-administrator users to access such functionality. The process is similar to assigning permissions to methods and entails adding functions to a .pbk
file and specifying access rights to roles.
Details are available in the Axiell Designer Release notes.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5748 |
When the Print button was clicked in the top Toolbar, the Output formats dialogue did not display correctly in many data sources. |
CV1-5717 |
The Paste all fields function did not work for the field object_name.type (OT) in the Internal object catalogue. |
CV1-5689 |
An indexed link on the internal |
CV1-5650 |
Some images were not completely uploaded in media records. |
CV1-5641 |
After uploading an image using the WebAPI, the picture was not shown in Collections because the image reference in the media record had not been filled in. |
CV1-5618 |
Images retrieved from DAMS could no longer be printed to Word templates. |
CV1-5612 |
Creating a record with an indexed-link metadata field group from a template did not copy the full field group. |
CV1-5611 |
Copying a record with an indexed link metadata field group did not copy the full field group. |
CV1-5604 |
When a user was working in Collections (using single sign-on) and showed no activity for some time (anywhere between a couple of minutes to an hour), an Internal server error in Collections would occur and an HttpAntiForgeryException error was logged. |
CV1-5598 |
There was an error Object reference not set to an instance of an object when adding a preferred name to a Persons and institutions record. |
CV1-5568 |
In a Standard search there was an error when clicking the icon in a Linked field |
CV1-5567 |
No auto-complete list appeared when typing in a Linked field from an indexed link metadata table in a Standard search. |
CV1-5565 |
When clicking the Link icon in an indexed Link field in a Standard search, the list screen that opened was empty. |
CV1-5545 |
Advanced searching using a comma to replace |
CV1-5522 |
The |
CV1-5521 |
When two-factor authentication was configured, Collections would not start up. |
CV1-5499 |
An application field will always open any URL or field content that is an URL in a new browser window, so long as the actual field content starts with |
CV1-5476 |
When a dialogue box did not have an explicit title, screen readers had nothing to read aloud. With the fix, a missing title is assumed equal to the dialogue body text and can be read by screen readers. |
CV1-5460 |
An error Field name '%r' not found in 'collect', dataset 'document' appeared in the Related records View when clicking the parent node for a specific record. |
CV1-5452 |
Error Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. was thrown on upload of an image. |
CV1-5417 |
With a particular setup, the Show only 'object name' filter was missing in the Find data for the field box for the object name field. |
CV1-5410 |
The Create and edit entry button in the Find data for the field dialogue remained greyed out if the Enter search key box was still empty. |
CV1-5406 |
Linking records between data sources |
CV1-5405 |
When deleting a record from the database, the final report did not report the correct number of deleted records, but reported that no records were deleted. |
CV1-5403 |
The Standard search contains all operator seemed to interpret a comma in the search key as a Boolean OR between all search keys and stored values with a comma could not be found on multiple search keys without the comma. |
CV1-5401 |
An access point |
CV1-5396 |
There was an error on a non-indexed variable domain field when removing a domain from a validation record. |
CV1-5385 |
The Create and edit entry button in the Find data for the field dialogue for a Linked field with a variable domain returned an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when a search key was entered. |
CV1-5380 |
Downloading a file from an application or image field no longer worked. |
CV1-5374 |
When using Expand in a Standard search, an Invalid object name 'CTE_0' or 'CTE_01' error appeared. |
CV1-5373 |
The Create and edit entry button in the Find data for the field dialogue for a Linked field with a variable domain did not pre-set the selected variable domain in the created linked record. |
CV1-5369 |
When attempting to open the Valuation history data source for searching in a particular application, an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error was thrown and the search did not open. |
CV1-5362 |
Long text, printed with indentation, lost its indentation after a line break in the data. |
CV1-5361 |
If a record did not have a record type AND no default record types for roles had been defined for this database, Collections would assume no access to a field. |
CV1-5360 |
A preferred term replacement on a linked metadata table field returned the error Sequential searching is not implemented; missing index on field. |
CV1-5346 |
Importing grouped XML using an update tag did not update any records. |
CV1-5338 |
For some retrieved images, no cached thumbnail was created so no thumbnail was displayed in the Result set either. |
CV1-5326 |
A Collections import would not update metadata on a hierarchical link. |
CV1-5283 |
A Deep link to a record in Collections, clicked in a different single sign-on web application when Collections was set to single sign-on too, did not open the relevant record in Collections but opened the start page of Collections instead. |
CV1-5282 |
The optional Merge selected records icon in the Result set View toolbar could not become active for users with Full access rights to the |
CV1-5241 |
The Import warning message Forcing not allowed has been changed to: Data <data> does not exist in database <database> for linked field <field name> to link to, and creating new terms is not allowed in this field. |
CV1-5215 |
When records were opened in the Object catalogue, their position in the Archives hierarchy was not navigated to. |
CV1-5212 |
An Adlib tagged file could not be imported. |
CV1-5180 |
In a Full Text indexed database, sorting did not work on merged-in text fields. |
CV1-5168 |
Error messages could be too verbose. To comply with security policies, less information is now provided in such messages. |
CV1-5164 |
The Download button next to an application field was still present even though it had been switched off in Axiell Designer via the Disable download field property. |
CV1-5121 |
The Export window did not show any fields if you had read-only access rights to the current data source: it required Write access rights for the field list to show. The fix ensures that Read access rights are enough to export data. |
CV1-5120 |
The domain specification was ignored when importing data into Linked fields with a variable domain. |
CV1-5060 |
There was an Invalid field data error when merging two records. |
CV1-5018 |
Location context was not resolved for top-term locations (in Full Text indexed databases only). |
CV1-5010 |
Non-exchangeable fields could not be (copied and) pasted via the Paste all fields functionality in Collections. |
CV1-4553 |
Field history was not stored for fields displayed in a table grid. |

Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 4.8 must be installed on the IIS server running Collections (after which the server needs to be rebooted).
Details about technical requirements and minimum specifications can be found here.

Release Date: 23 November 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5556 |
Inheritance (AIMS |
CV1-5533 |
Adapl |
CV1-5451 |
Some records / reports produced the error Object reference not set to an instance. |
CV1-5380 |
Downloading images and files did not work (note that there are duplicate tickets linked to this ticket). |

Release Date: 25 September 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5482 |
Some Saved searches disappeared for all users when the Saved search schedule service was active. |
CV1-5427 |
With certain access rights configurations, entered data was incorrectly not visible to all users. |
CV1-5415 |
Running a test import, caused a Duplicate key in unique index error when non-unique field data had to be made unique by an adapl. |
CV1-5412 |
An outdated js library was still in use. To comply with security policies, the library was updated. |
CV1-5304 |
An Advanced search where commas were used to imply a Boolean |
CV1-5171 |
![]() An Axiell Collections implementation comprises two main components: a Model Application and the Axiell Collections software. The Model Application is the collections management heart of Axiell Collections and it is available in a variety of configurations to meet the needs of different types of organization (Archive, Library, Museum). Amongst other things, these configurations of the Model Application are distinguished from each other by the set of data sources Previously, however, any access rights restrictions to elements of the application based on the application ID were not respected by the |
CV1-5145 |
Some XSS security issues were still present. |

Release Date: 11 August 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

Collections 1.17 introduced a feature that allows your sorting, filtering and grouping choices in Result set View to be remembered by default (details here). While this option remains, it is no longer the default behaviour that your choices are remembered. To have Collections remember your sorting, filtering and grouping choices in Result set View, it is now necessary to enable the option in the Result set View Settings dialogue:

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5354 | Sorting on a Free Text field (e.g. title) in a non-Full Text indexed database did not work. |
CV1-5352 |
Including |
CV1-5348 | The Import procedure progress bar did not indicate any progress. |
CV1-5344 |
Deep Links gave an error page 404. |
CV1-5343 |
Result dialogue information was not correct after a Bulk create procedure. |
CV1-5341 |
A CTE out of scope error was generated when running a search on an inherited |
CV1-5340 |
In Full Text indexed databases, query performance was adversely impacted for equals/not equals searches. |
CV1-5330 | A Value cannot be null. Parameter name: id error appeared when trying to open the Location details screen in Locations and containers. |
CV1-5329 |
In a Full Text indexed database, an equals search was no longer an equals search. |
CV1-5323 |
QR codes were not printed if a label was defined as an Output job in the application. |
CV1-5321 |
A value cannot be null error was generated when executing any Task from the Features list. |
CV1-5277 |
Collections reported an invalid numerical value for thousands-separator commas that it had added itself. |
CV1-5227 |
A search on a Free Text indexed metadata field did not find all records. |
CV1-5226 |
A search on a Text (term) indexed metadata field did not find all records. |
CV1-5163 |
The Search and replace window would not open if one or more marked records were on a different result page. |
CV1-5105 |
Indented long text printed through an adapl-only Output format lost its indentation after word-wrapping to the next line. |
CV1-5064 |
The Find data for the field box opened stuck against the top of the views and you could not move it downwards without first resizing it. |
CV1-4995 |
The messaging functionality in the Active sessions window for administrators showed the server name as the sender, instead of the user name. |
CV1-4914 |
After deleting a value from a hierarchically Linked field |

Release Date: 21 July 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

The Page navigation controller available in Result set View and beneath all table grids in which results are paged (e.g. Find data for the field, Manage saved searches, Record history, Scheduled tasks and Merge selected records) now includes a page selector box: enter a page number and hit ENTER in order to jump to the page:

HTML fields can be resized in both Display and Edit modes A record is either in Display mode (we view its details) or Edit mode (we add or edit its details). A record enters Edit mode as soon as we create a new record, copy a record in Record details View or edit an existing record., and any size change you make is remembered the next time you log in. They are typically found on panels such as Accompanying texts and Inscriptions | Markings in object catalogue records. When placed over an HTML field's bottom right corner, the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow: click and then drag the corner to resize the field:
The field has a minimum size of about six standard single-line paragraphs plus the height required for the contextual toolbar.

Tooltips display when the mouse cursor is placed over various elements in the User Interface (Main menu entries, toolbar icons / buttons, fields, etc.). To improve accessibility, a larger font is now used to display the tooltip information:

For Application administrators (any user assigned the $ADMIN
role), the Main menu includes an Active sessions option:
The Active Sessions option allows Administrators to monitor who is logged in to Collections, to send a message to a logged in user, close sessions (Evict a user) and view licence details. An option has been added to enable Administrators to send a message to all logged in users (excluding the sender), for instance warning that the server is about to be rebooted:
- Click Message to all to display the Send message dialogue.
- Type the message and click OK:
For all logged in users a pop-up window will display with the message and its source (the domain name):
The user must click OK in the message to acknowledge it and close the pop-up.

Table grids placed on record details screens (panels in Record details View for instance) can now include a column to display image thumbnails, making it easier to identify a linked object, for example, by its image. Here we see an example on the Linked objects panel in the Exhibitions data source The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. with a thumbnail image of a linked object:
To control the size of thumbnails:
- Right-click a thumbnail to display the context menu.
- Place the cursor over Thumbnail Size to display a sub-menu and select a size:
Note: This new Thumbnail Size context menu option is also available when right-clicking a thumbnail in Result set View.
Application Administrators configure a table grid to include a thumbnail column using Axiell Designer A tool for designing, creating, customizing and managing Axiell Collections applications and databases, broadly speaking, the Axiell Collections Model Application. As well as managing databases, including user access and permissions, Designer is used for such tasks as translating field labels, tooltips, values in drop lists, etc.. The following steps describe at a high level how this is done (administration and configuration experience is assumed; links are to the Axiell Designer Help):
- Screen elements (fields for instance) are grouped on a screen using a box; ensure that the box that will hold the field group has the Edit link group on demand option enabled (marked) in order that the fields are displayed in a table.
- An image field must be created in the same field group as the relevant Linked field (the Object number Linked field in the example above):
- in general this new field should have the same properties as the image field in the linked database from which it draws its data;
- the new field must be included as a Destination field in the Linked field mapping for the Linked field, while the Source field is the original image field in the linked database.
- The new image field must be included in the box on the screen.
More details for Application Administrators in the Axiell Designer Help.

It is now possible to include checkboxes in your printed reports (aka output formats) built with MS Word templates. A checkbox is not linked to a field and it does not perform any function other than to be selectable / clickable: it is either unchecked or checked. The label you provide alongside the checkbox gives it context and purpose.
In this example, when the Word template is output, the resulting document will include the description of an object and a checkbox in which the reader can indicate that they have checked / confirmed the description:
Amongst other uses, adding a checkbox to a report can provide an approval mechanism. For example, the document should only be printed to paper once the document has been checked and approved by marking the checkbox. It is important that the document is saved after marking the checkbox otherwise it might be saved with a deselected checkbox.
This type of checkbox is called a Check Box Content Control and it is found on the Developer tab in Word:
Details about adding the Developer tab to the Ribbon can be found here.
Alternatively, search for check box content control in the Search bar in Word and select the option from the results to add to your template:

Checkboxes throughout Collections have either been improved to make them easier to work with and to read, or they have been replaced with sliders.
The improved checkboxes are noticeably larger:
Previously they appeared as:
In many dialogue boxes they have been replaced with sliders (a blue background indicates that the option is enabled):

In Result set View it is possible to sort, filter and group records. Sorting can be achieved by clicking a column header or selecting an option from the ellipsis in the column header; filtering is achieved by selecting from the ellipsis:
Grouping records is achieved by dragging a column header to the Grouping bar, which sits just above the column headers. Here we see records grouped by creator (all records that share the same creator are grouped together):
Previously, any sorting, filtering and grouping you applied in Result set View was lost when you performed a new search. Now, by default, your choices are remembered by Collections. An option has been added to the Settings dialogue to control this behaviour:
This setting is remembered for each user and data source The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on..

In Record details View it is possible to create a new record by clicking the New record button in the Toolbar, or to copy the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance. and edit it by clicking the Copy record button:
The Status bar in Record details View now indicates whether you are editing a new record:
or a copied record:
No label displays in the Status bar if you are simply editing the current record.

Help View provides a description of a field's purpose and other data entry instructions for users. It is accessed using a keyboard shortcut, F1
, or by clicking the question mark icon in the top Toolbar.

Help View is used in conjunction with Record details View when viewing a record's details (in Display mode) or editing a record's details (in Edit mode):
Help View operates a little differently in the two modes:
Mode | Details |
Display |
Information about a field or panel will display as the cursor hovers over a panel label (e.g. Identification in the image above) or a field (either the field label or field itself). |
Edit |
When a record is being edited in Record details View, information about a field will display when the cursor is in the field (i.e. as the field is being edited). |
To access Help View:
- Select
in the top Toolbar.
- Use the keyboard shortcut,F1
Tip: Both methods will toggle the display of Help View on / off.
By default, Help View will display to the right of Record details View (as shown in the image above).
As with most other Display Views, the Help View pane can be detached from the main Axiell Collections window and moved elsewhere by clicking in the top right corner of the pane.
This contextual information about fields and panels is typically contained in RTF files (with an .adh
extension), one file per language, stored in the \texts
sub folder of your Collections implementation. From Collections 1.17 it is possible to extract this contextual information from a local database instead of .adh
files if your application has been set up to do so. Future Model Applications may include this database and a separate Contextual Help application as a paid-for addition for managing the text.
This would make it far easier for customers to manage, edit and translate the contextual help and to customize it to suit their processes and data entry needs, work that is currently performed by Axiell.
For more information, please contact Axiell Sales.
More details for Application Administrators in the Axiell Designer Help.

As some image file formats, such as TIFF, cannot natively be displayed in browsers, and Axiell's proprietary IIIF image server has some limitations, support for third-party IIIF image servers has been added to Collections.
For example, one such (open source) third-party image server, Cantaloupe, is capable of on-demand creation and conversion of derivatives of different image formats to IIIF-compliant image formats that can be displayed in Media viewer.
For Application Administrators
Details about setting up about setting up an IIIF image server can be found in the Axiell Designer Help.

A new Record History Reports function is now available for purchase (please contact Axiell Sales for details about cost).
In the Record History Reports dialogue, which is accessed from the Main menu by selecting Maintenance>Record History Reports, users with the $ADMIN
role are able to select one or more data sources The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on., specify a date range (set the Start and End dates) and click Fetch History to list changed records with old and new values displayed per field:
Option | Details |
Limit |
The Limit box indicates the maximum number of retrieved log entries. While this value can be changed, it is not recommended that the number is set too high. The right bottom corner of the window indicates the current size of the result set. Tip: A large amount of logging data is created when data is imported into Collections. Following a large import, be careful to limit your search to a single data source and/or only a single day for example, otherwise the query might take too long and time out. Note: Once the search commences, a Cancel button is available to stop the search manually. |
Sort and filter results |
By clicking the vertical ellipsis in a column header and selecting an option, results can be sorted and/or filtered by values in any of the columns: data source, record number (priref), edit date, time, user name, field tag, occurrence, data language and new or old value. |
Export to CSV |
Results can be exported to record_history_report_<date-time>.csv will be saved to your Windows Downloads folder. |
Resize the window / columns |
The Record History Reports window can be maximized by double-clicking the Title bar or by dragging one of the borders. Columns can be resized by dragging any of the column header separators (this works best when the window has been maximized). Tip: Currently, size changes are not remembered. |
Understanding results
The first column contains one of three icons:
Icon | Label | Details |
![]() |
Plus | Indicates that a value was added to an empty field. The New column holds the value; the Old column is empty. |
![]() |
Minus |
Indicates that the value in the field was deleted. The Old column holds the deleted value; the New column is empty. |
![]() |
M (Modified) | Indicates that the value was modified. The New column holds the current value; the Old column holds the previous value. |
Restoring changed values
While there is no function within the Record History Reports dialogue to undo changes to fields, it is of course possible to select and copy a value, locate the relevant record and, in Edit mode A record is either in Display mode (we view its details) or Edit mode (we add or edit its details). A record enters Edit mode as soon as we create a new record, copy a record in Record details View or edit an existing record., paste the value into the appropriate field.
Note that restoring a value in a Linked field A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref). is a little more involved. Full details about how to restore values, including values in Linked fields, can be found here.
or Application Administrators
Details about setting up and fine-tuning the Record History Reports function can be found in the Axiell Designer Help.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5316 |
No errors were shown for Import tasks. |
CV1-5308 CV1-5307 |
Simple search no longer worked. |
CV1-5306 |
Export to Excel gave an error Could not load file or assembly 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core. |
CV1-5305 |
A domain |
CV1-5299 |
If Result set View was not open when you did a search, the record found was not shown in Hierarchy browser. It stayed collapsed and even when opening it, it did not highlight the record. As soon as Result set View was opened, it would show the record. |
CV1-5297 |
A French translation was missing for the message No matching record available. |
CV1-5294 |
The Save button did not become active after just changing the occurrence |
CV1-5285 |
The progress bar for bulk operations did not show any progress. |
CV1-5280 |
Sorting on an inherited |
CV1-5278 |
Deriving new terms from an external thesaurus did not take into account the destination dataset. |
CV1-5263 |
Multicolumn sorting in Result set View broke when opening or closing an extra view / screen. |
CV1-5257 |
When scheduled printing using Word templates, it would always use A4 paper even if the document was A5. The printer page sizes for scheduled printing do not come from the document, but from the printer driver itself. To address that option in the driver, printing to A5 has to be set up in the Collections |
CV1-5255 |
The tooltip for child records displayed the record number for their parent record instead of their own in the Hierarchy browser. |
CV1-5252 |
An indexed link with metadata table was incorrectly resolved, resulting in display of the wrong linked terms. |
CV1-5238 |
A State not found error was displayed after clicking the Details button from the Scheduled tasks list. |
CV1-5237 |
When deriving or moving records between data sources |
CV1-5233 |
When importing an existing value into a reverse Linked field |
CV1-5232 |
Advanced searching on Dutch field names did not work any more. |
CV1-5210 |
A select no in a before storage adapl caused an error 8 if the record was being saved by a FACS write in a task adapl. With the fix a select no or errorm with severity 2 in the same situation now cause an Error writing record #. Error: 103. This is not a real error though, it just indicates that a record could not be saved because of a select no or errorm with severity 2, as intended. The programmer may accompany a select no by an errorm of severity 1 or 0 to explain the error 103. (If the programmer just uses an errorm with severity 2, the explaining can be done in the very same errorm text of course.) |
CV1-5205 |
Clicking the Reset button in the Result set View Settings box did not clear any applied sorting and grouping from the Result set View. |
CV1-5203 |
Trying to print a Linked field value to a Word template when that value still had the candidate status while the Linked field did not allow forcing of new records, caused a Forcing not allowed... error. |
CV1-5201 |
Adding a preferred relation to a record with indexed links and metadata table, incorrectly deleted the metadata table references. |
CV1-5198 |
Error messages from storage adapls were not visible in Tasks. |
CV1-5194 |
Adding a preferred relation to a record with an indexed link and metadata table returned an error: Invalid column name 'term'. |
CV1-5191 |
CV1-5190 |
When you created a template from a record that had metadata records, the metadata was not copied along into new metadata records. Instead the new record referred to the same metadata record as the original. |
CV1-5186 |
Saving a copied record with 100+ occurrences of an indexed link and metadata table took way too long. With the fix, performance for this action has increased substantially. |
CV1-5181 |
There was an Invalid contains operator None error when deleting a record in the user database. |
CV1-5178 |
Export to Excel no longer worked and generated an error. |
CV1-5173 |
Using a comma in combination with truncated terms in an Advanced search statement incorrectly retrieved no records. |
CV1-5169 |
TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0 and 1.1 were still supported, causing the server to offer vulnerable and outdated CBC ciphers to clients. The fix means that support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 has been dropped and replaced by support for TLS 1.2 and 1.3. Details about how to set up a browser to use this security protocol in different Windows versions can be found here. Note that most up-to-date browsers will already use TLS 1.2 or 1.3 however. |
CV1-5157 |
If a Linked field had a field tag starting with a percent character, the Find data for the field box and the auto-complete list would not open. |
CV1-5155 |
The progress bar did not close after running the Change locations task. |
CV1-5154 |
After clicking the Expand button in a Standard search, an Invalid object name ‘CTE_1’ or CTE_0 error would be generated. |
CV1-5146 |
There was a low risk security issue because of With the fix, |
CV1-5145 |
There were some low risk XSS security issues. |
CV1-5143 |
When users opened a record, then opened another one via the Hierarchy browser, and then tried to open the Report viewer, a 500 - internal server error was displayed. |
CV1-5122 |
Pruning of search results had not been implemented for scheduled prints of Saved searches yet. The fix also removed the obsolete DM/DI changed and Undefined options. |
CV1-5110 |
A Saved search imported via Add row above + Find data for the field window erased the value already stored in the record. |
CV1-5096 |
An extended search could find too many records. |
CV1-5091 |
In Axiell Move it was not possible to save a particular record: an Invalid occurrence error was generated. |
CV1-5082 |
Nested tables only printed the first field group occurrence |
CV1-5081 |
Tags could in certain cases be printed in the Output format. |
CV1-5080 |
GIF images could not be printed to a Word template. |
CV1-5079 |
GIF images could not be displayed in Media viewer. |
CV1-5078 |
In a table inside another table in a Word template only the first occurrence of a repeating field group was printed. |
CV1-5076 |
Invalid dates could be entered in date fields. |
CV1-5072 |
An ADAPL repcnt on a merged-in tag always resulted in zero. |
CV1-5070 |
An Excel template with a media reference caused an error when the WebAPI was used for image display. |
CV1-5062 |
Invariant |
CV1-5055 |
In the Search box, the Clear button did not clear the Expand checkbox. |
CV1-5054 |
Long error messages were not wrapping, causing the text to run off screen. |
CV1-5050 |
When using the Collections Copy field / Paste field functions on Linked fields in a table grid, the link reference values of those values were not used to disambiguate if the values were non-unique. |
CV1-5046 |
Values selected from Dimension and Unit drop lists disappeared when the record was saved. |
CV1-5042 |
GIF and PNG images were not printed. |
CV1-5041 |
A write-back setting for a Boolean field had no effect. |
CV1-5039 |
If you used the equals operator in a search on a value containing double spaces, no records could be found. |
CV1-5038 |
Selecting subsequent records in Result set View to show them in Hierarchy browser made the refresh of the Hierarchy browser stop working. |
CV1-5025 |
Using the pointer operator (to reference a Saved search) in an indirect Advanced search (like creator -> pointer 2) gave an error. |
CV1-5024 |
For a repeated screen field in which values in the occurrences had to be unique, an error was correctly reported on a duplicate value, but the first occurrence of the duplicate was automatically emptied when clicking away the error message. |
CV1-5022 |
It was not possible to continue editing a record when more than one mandatory field had been left blank and you tried to save the record. |
CV1-5016 |
In a multilingual application, when trying to add a linked term, the Find data for the field box did not display invariant |
CV1-5004 |
Using the comma as a separator in an Advanced search no longer worked correctly in a Full Text indexed database. |
CV1-4998 |
The inherited (default) font size for content in HTML fields was not the same (too small) as it was for data in other fields. |
CV1-4997 |
No records were showing in Result set View if no brief screen had been set up for it, and the Settings button did not work. |
CV1-4978 |
Input in the priref filter field gets reformatted to a currency value (with added .00). |
CV1-4975 |
An Import test run or import run without errors did not report the number of processed records. |
CV1-4952 |
Several image-specific icons (for zooming and rotating) in the Media viewer toolbar were still active (without actually functioning) when a PDF was being displayed. |
CV1-4911 |
It was sometimes not possible to view or edit records with specified rights, even if your role had Full access rights. |
CV1-4905 |
Printing did not print all occurrences of a field. |
CV1-4904 |
The <<[RecordList]>> element was ignored in |
CV1-4876 |
Derived object records were not showing up in the intended data sources. |
CV1-4865 |
Linked fields for which a zoom screen was defined did not always display their values with an underline and you could not click the value to open the zoom screen. |
CV1-4827 |
When filling in a row of fields in a group (from left to right) and you get to the last field, if you added a new row, your cursor moved into the current field in the new row. With the fix, the cursor moves back to the beginning of the new row (the first field) when a new field group occurrence is added. |
CV1-4780 |
Some applicable roles were not listed in the User Information box. |
CV1-4779 |
There was a text normalization issue for Full Text indexing when used with Scandinavian and Arabic languages: the normalizer engine incorrectly removed whitespace from the input. |
CV1-4755 |
The focus remained on the same occurrence |
CV1-4752 |
Clicking a related object number from the Full catalogue opened the linked record in the wrong data source. |
CV1-4728 |
Deep links were not respecting being logged in through SSO. |
CV1-4724 |
Any adjusted width of columns in the Find data for the field box View table tab was not remembered by Collections. |
CV1-4694 |
In a CSV, Tagged or XML Import job set up to update existing records (when a Match field has been set), unmatched values in the import file were not logged. The fix makes sure any unmatched values are reported in the import summary with messages like "Import ignored record with update value <a certain value> because it has no match". |
CV1-4674 |
Any sorting that had been set in Result set View was not remembered by Collections, so you had to set it again after every new search. |
CV1-4629 |
Printing to .txt file of an indented paragraph with CRLFs (line breaks) printed the lines after the CRLF non-indented, but also inserted indentation where it should not be. |
CV1-4542 |
A reverse link was not updated correctly after a task adapl was executed. |
CV1-3979 |
An occurrence sort order was not applied if the record was updated and saved through the reverse link mechanism. |
CV1-3968 |
When the interface language was Dutch, the default values in a field were English. |
CV1-3769 |
When long text field data is printed indented via an adapl-only Output format, the indentation shifted one character to the right after the first line. |
CV1-3768 |
When long text field data contains a hard or soft return and this text was printed indented via an adapl-only Output format, the indentation got lost after the return. |
CV1-3513 |
Printing to Word templates sometimes printed field values in the wrong font type. Instead of the font type applied to the field reference, the document default font type was then applied. |
CV1-3357 |
When a Thesaurus record was edited via the Archives catalogue module, edit metadata was not written to the Thesaurus record. |
CV1-3311 |
When using the Links feature to add a record from the search results to an Outgoing loan, and using the advanced search to find the loan, the window closed when clicking Find without returning any results. |
CV1-2984 |
When clicking a numerical field in display mode, the thousands separator character disappeared from the value, while this should only happen in Edit mode. |
CV1-2981 |
The ADAPL command |

Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 4.8 must be installed on the IIS server running Collections (after which the server needs to be rebooted).
Details about technical requirements and minimum specifications can be found here.

Release Date: 22 May 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

It is now possible to undo changes to individual fields, restoring the last saved value.
For example, you edit a record and amongst other things change the Object number. Before saving the record you realize that the Object number should not have been changed:
Right-click the field to display the context menu:
Select Undo to restore the last saved value in the field.
- To undo all changes to a record you are currently editing, simply close the record without saving it.
- In systems with Record History enabled, it is possible to restore a value after the record has been saved. Details here.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5134 |
When a new mission record was created, an error without error specification was displayed. |
CV1-5128 |
There was an internal error on a simultaneous record update (an identical automatic number assignment in a uniquely indexed field) of two different records in two different sessions. |
CV1-5119 |
Possible cross contamination of record data when executing a storage adapl in parallel in two different sessions when script caching was enabled. |
CV1-5107 |
Adapls supporting Flow did not work correctly anymore in cases where a FACS database was opened and a read was made on a text field that contained multiple words. This bug was fixed in:
CV1-5102 |
Regular unhandled exceptions in Axiell Flow. |
CV1-5099 |
Reports that are configured to run on a scheduled basis based on a Saved search were producing the same results every time despite the fact the Saved search returned a different result set. |
CV1-5063 |
Error creating Mission via Missions dashboard: internal server error. |
CV1-5043 CV1-5066 |
Printed barcodes no longer included the number beneath the barcode. All barcode types (except the QR code type) now print the number underneath the barcode again. |
CV1-4991 |
Media viewer displayed the message: This plug-in isn't supported. |
CV1-4640 |
When in Edit mode a user opened the drop list for an enumerative field The new Undo functionality (details above) makes it possible to reset the enumerative value in this situation. |

Release Date: 03 April 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

Hierarchy browser now always shows the record selected in Result set View
When a record is selected in Result set View, it becomes the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance. in Hierarchy browser. Prior to Collections version 1.16.2, if that record was buried far down the hierarchy it might not be visible in Hierarchy browser without expanding the hierarchy to locate it (note that it is possible to specify a high number of records to display with the Number of nodes per request setting, but the more records set to display, the longer it will take the hierarchy to load).
Now as soon as a record is selected in Result set View it is visible in Hierarchy browser regardless of the depth of the hierarchy. This improvement respects the Number of nodes per request setting, and where required, a Browse up icon will display in the list of records in Hierarchy browser making it possible to navigate upwards in the hierarchy, similar to the Browse down icon that has always been available:

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5008 | Error messages sometimes appeared using the function Open all panels in Record details View. |
CV1-5012 | Related records View did not show anything for Linked fields![]() |
CV1-5040 |
In Collections 1.16.1, the Axiell Move Missions screen Detail view repeatedly refreshed to record with priref |

Release Date: 30 March 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-5003 |
Workflows were no longer displayed if no brief screen had been set up for the current data source. An error was shown instead. |
CV1-5000 |
The |
CV1-4997 |
Result set View was completely empty when no brief display screen had been set up for the current data source, while previously at least the checkboxes for the listed records showed and you could still select field columns yourself. |
CV1-4993 |
Mandatory fields in tasks could be left empty. |
CV1-4989 |
The extended Field properties were not working if you opened them for a field in Result set View. An Object reference not set to an instance of an object error was generated instead. |
CV1-4983 |
Searching indexed metadata fields returned no results. |
CV1-4938 |
A descending sort on a merged-in field in a field group could cause an infinite loop when trying to save the record. This could express itself in a freezing application when trying to change locations, deriving records and modifying or deleting records. |

Release Date: 10 March 2023

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

New features are broadly grouped by function / area:

The following only affects data sources without Full text indexing.
Some background (this is explained in more detail here): not all fields in Collections are indexed. When you search a data source The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. using the Standard tab of the Search box, only indexed fields are made available for searching. For our purposes, a field can be indexed in one of two ways: the entire contents of the field is indexed as a single value, a Text (term) index, or each word in a field is indexed separately, a Free text index.
The issue: from Collections 1.16 onwards, the search operator drop list in a Standard search includes the contains all, contains any and contains phrase search operators; at the moment however, when searching fields with a Free text index, contains any and contains phrase behave as contains all, locating the search value anywhere in the search field (it is worth mentioning that contains phrase has in fact always performed a contains all search in Free text indexed fields).
This will be changed in a future release.

The starts with and contains phrase search operators were made available for Standard searching in Collections 1.14 and the introduction of Full Text indexing. These search operators are now available when performing an Advanced search in Full Text indexed databases:
- starts with is useful when searching long text fields as it allows you to search for the first word in the field, in contrast to equals, which searches for your search term anywhere in the field. Your search term is implicitly truncated, so a search for
operates as if the*
wildcard has been used, e.g.littl*
.Tip: Select starts with from the Operator list to include it in your search statement, or manually enter
(no space) in your search statement. - When performing a contains phrase search, a record will be returned if the exact combination of words in your search value (ignoring case) is located in the search field (be sure to enclose the phrase in double quotes). For example, a contains phrase search for dollhouse with furniture in the title (TI) field would return records with titles such as Wooden dollhouse with furniture and lights and Dollhouse with furniture, but not Dollhouse with plastic furniture.
When included in an Advanced search the search operator ~ (tilde) is added to a search statement. The example search above would be:
title ~ "dollhouse with furniture"

In data sources without Full Text indexing the contains search operator is used to return a record when the precise sequence of characters in your search value is located anywhere in the search field (if you provide more than one word in your search value, all of them must be found in the search field, although they can appear in any order).
Three variations of the contains search are now available when performing an Advanced search in a Full Text indexed data source:
- contains any is a new search operator (it can be substituted with a
in your search statement): a record is returned if any of your search values (you would typically provide more than one) appear anywhere in the search field (i.e. if you provide more than one word in your search value, only of them must be found in the search field). - contains all is now used in place of contains and has been renamed to contrast more clearly with contains any. As with contains it can be substituted with an underscore
in your search statement. A record is returned if all of your search values (you would typically provide more than one) appear anywhere in the search field, although they can appear in any order. - The contains phrase operator is available (it can be substituted with a tilde
in your search statement): a record is returned if the exact combination of words in your search value (ignoring case) is located in the search field.
To appreciate the difference between these search operators, consider two records with the following data in the Title (title (TI)) field:
- Record 1:
buster keaton
- Record 2:
diane keaton
Operator |
Search statement |
Records returned |
Details |
contains all |
title containsall -OR- title |
Record 1 |
Only Record 1 includes both |
contains any |
title containsany -OR- title |
Records 1 and 2 |
Both records include at least one of the search values, |
contains phrase |
title containsphrase -OR- title |
None |
No record contains this precise phrase. |
Note that right-truncation of search values with the *
wildcard character is permitted (and is in fact explicit so does not actually need to be specified), but that left-truncation is not possible. Here we see the previous contains any example with right-truncation:
title containsany"keat* bust*"
title$ "keat* bust*"
Note: The contains all and contains any search operators are not yet present in the Operator list on the Advanced search tab but can be manually entered in your search statement.

In Full Text indexed data sources, searching with the equals operator is more strict than in non-Full Text indexed databases. In the latter, when searching in long text fields (fields with a Free text index in which each word is separately indexed) equals behaves like the contains all search operator and a record is returned if your search value(s) appear anywhere in the search field; in Full Text indexed data sources, equals behaves as you would expect it to, and your search value must match exactly the contents of the search field. As it usually makes sense to search long text fields using the contains all operator, this is now the default operator when searching such fields in Full Text indexed data sources on the Standard search tab:
It may be necessary to select Clear in order to see this change as Collections recalls the last search terms used on the Standard tab. Clear will return the Standard tab in the current data source to its default state.
Tip: It is possible to return all settings that you have changed throughout Collections to their default state using the Account>Settings option from the Main menu but be aware that this will reset ALL settings that you have changed. Details here.

Application Administrators are able to include a fixed query access point An access point is a user-friendly way to search a field or combination of fields or to execute a search statement (known as a fixed query). Access points are found on the Standard tab of the Search box and most often comprise a label (naming the field / fields to be searched) and a search field in which you enter or select a value to search for. Only indexed fields can be set up as access points (an index is a database table designed to speed up the search of frequently queried fields; it only contains values from a field and the id number of the records in which that value appears). Non-indexed fields can be searched on the Advanced search tab. on the Standard search tab. Rather than searching a single indexed field, Object name for instance, a fixed query is a complete search statement (typically set up by your Application Administrator) possibly querying multiple fields. Two examples of fixed query access points from Item Requests1 (a data source that handles the reservation, lending and return of items in an institution's Reading Room) are Active requests for a user and Issued and overdue:
In this case:
- Active requests for a user will return any active requests for a given user.
For this type of fixed query it is necessary to provide a search value, a name in this case.
- Issued and overdue will simultaneously query for issued AND overdue items.
While this type of fixed query does not require a search value as such, it has been necessary to enter an asterisk (
) in the search field in order to make use of the access point. Placing a cursor over the search field reveals this somewhat esoteric requirement:From Collections 1.16 onwards the search field for this type of fixed query access point has been replaced with a far more intuitive checkbox (simply click the checkbox to enable the search):
Application Administrators will find details about configuring fixed queries in the Axiell Designer Help.

Application Administrators were provided with the option to implement Full Text indexing from Collections 1.14. Full Text indexing can, amongst other things, improve search performance in long text fields, fields with unique terms, fields with non-unique terms and Linked fields A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref).. A new method for improving the performance of certain searches in Full Text indexed databases has been added with Collections 1.16. All new implementations of Full Text indexed databases include the improvement and Application Administrators have the option to implement it in existing Full Text indexed databases (details can be found in the Axiell Designer Help).

Collections recalls the choices you make on the Standard search tab so that when you next access the tab, the search terms you last specified are shown (including search values entered, and selection of search operators, the OR Boolean Operator and Expand checkbox).
The Settings option in the Main menu now includes an option to change this behaviour so that the Standard search tab is in its default state every time it is accessed (that is, with no search values entered, the default search operators selected, the AND Boolean operator selected, and the Expand checkbox deselected).
To change the setting select Account>Settings from the Main menu:
By default the checkbox is ticked and Collections will recall the choices you last made on the Standard search tab. Select the checkbox to remove the tick so that your search terms are not recalled (including search values, search operators, a marked Expand option and a selected OR
Boolean operator).
Previously the Settings box was used exclusively to return ALL settings you have changed throughout Collections to their default. This option remains by selecting the Clear all button; as before, a message will display asking you to confirm the reset:
Reports / Printing / Export

While it is possible to include images in printed reports (aka output formats) built with MS Word templates this has previously involved a trade-off between image quality and document size. Declaring the thumbnail
parameter ensured that a low resolution thumbnail image file was used, keeping document size relatively small, e.g.:
In theory, placing the image reference field on a page or in a cell without the thumbnail
parameter, e.g.:
meant that a larger image would be used (the image would fill the available space as far as the page size / table cell allowed), but in practice the same low resolution thumbnail image file was retrieved and scaled to fit the available space with the result that the printed image was often poor quality and blurred.
It is now possible to ensure that the high quality version of an image is used when printing a report. When building a Word template report, add the image
parameter to the image field reference; this will ensure that the original (not thumbnail) image file is used, e.g.:
When the image is placed on a page / in a table cell, the requested file is scaled to the available space.
- Going forward the pipe (
) symbol replaces the previously used dot to separate parameters (in the field reference, and elsewhere, for example when specifying the id code for a barcode in a report). The dot can appear in field names and should not be used as a separator character when building a Word template report (although existing templates should still work). - To ensure that document size (and therefore print time) is relatively small by default, if the
parameter is not used, a thumbnail image will be retrieved using the Thumbnail retrieval path setting specified for the image field (details in the Axiell Designer HelpA tool for designing, creating, customizing and managing Axiell Collections applications and databases, broadly speaking, the Axiell Collections Model Application. As well as managing databases, including user access and permissions, Designer is used for such tasks as translating field labels, tooltips, values in drop lists, etc. here). Going forward, the
parameter is obsolete.
Details about creating Word template reports can be found here.
Technical notes:
When a URL to an image server in the image field Retrieval path (see the Axiell Designer Help) also contains &width=%width%&height=%height%
parameters, the full image will be scaled on the server before it is returned over the network, thus reducing network traffic.
The new solution works for both File system and URL retrieval path types. Note that for both solutions the generated documents can become quite big if the full size images are being used.

It is now possible to use Excel documents as output format templates for printing your data by adding text as column headers (optionally), with field references (either field tag or system name) added to cells in a single row, for example:
When you use the Excel template to output your record data for printing, values from your records will populate a spreadsheet:
More details:
Field types, etc. |
Details |
As with the use of Word documents as output format templates, it is possible to print a specific occurrence of a field by specifying the occurrence number in square brackets after the field tag / name, e.g. All occurrences of a field will be printed if no number is specified, e.g. |
Images |
To include the thumbnail of an image, add an image field tag to a cell, e.g. Note: While it is possible to enlarge the image thumbnail (by dragging its corner), the resolution of the image is low and is unlikely to display well. |
The user-friendly translation in the current interface language is output. ![]() Fields in which values are selected from a drop list are called enumerative fields in Collections. Values in these fields are read-only; they are added and, in a multilingual system, translated by your Application Administrator in the Collections administration tool, Axiell Designer |
Numerical values |
Numerical values are output with the default database decimal separator (usually a dot) and without a thousands separators so that Excel can interpret numbers correctly as numericals. |
Formulas |
Formulas can be included in a template to perform calculations with integer or numerical data that is output. Note:
It is not currently possible to create an adapl+Excel template output format (it is not yet possible to have printed data pre-processed by an adapl). |
Application Administrators can include Excel templates in the Output Formats box for the relevant data source (select Print in the top Toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut, CTRL+P to access the Output Formats box), where they will be listed with a distinguishing Excel icon, e.g.:
They can also be uploaded on-the-fly by clicking the ellipsis beside Find document template (previously Find Word template) and locating the .xlsx
template in the File Upload box (the file type drop-down list is now set to All supported types (*.docx, *.xlsx) by default):
As with Word template output formats, a document will be generated and opened and saved to your \downloads folder but not actually printed. If necessary, edit the document and then print from Excel if desired.

The choices you make when configuring an Export job (the export format, selection of fields, etc.) can now be saved as a profile and re-used as required.
To save settings as a profile:
- Set up your Export job in the Export box and click Profiles.
The Profiles box will display:
- Click Create.
An entry is added to the Profiles box:
- Name the profile for this Export job by clicking New Profile and entering a meaningful name.
- To view the options set for an Export job and the fields to be exported, click the arrow in the first cell:
- Click OK to close the Profiles box and load the profile
Click Cancel to close the Profiles box without loading the profile.
Other options:
Option |
Details |
Edit |
Select a profile in the Profiles box and click Edit to change options and the fields to be exported: When your changes are made, click OK to save them or Cancel to close the box without saving any changes. |
Delete |
Select a profile in the Profiles box and click Delete to remove it. |
Display Views

The number of records in the Result set View, Gallery View and Record details View. Now the relative position of the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance. within the result set is shown in Record details View, for example record 6 of 11 records in the result set:
This can be useful when viewing records in Record details View when Result set View is closed: as you move through records in Record details View, the position of the current record in the result set is always indicated.

A Download icon has been added to Media viewer enabling users to download the file of the currently displayed media:
Similar to the Download icon beside media fields in Record details View:
a file is saved to your Downloads folder. Unlike Record details View, which only displays the file name not the media itself, with Media viewer it is possible to view the media files linked to the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance., identify a file to download and download it in the one place.
Note: If the Download icon is greyed out, downloading of media files has been disabled by your Application Administrator.

To help identify images in Media viewer, especially when multiple images are linked to the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance., an image's reference now displays above the image,
in the screenshot below. An image's reference (typically its file name) is stored in the Reference (media.reference (FN)) field, which is found on the Media panel in Record details View:

It is possible to set the maximum number of thumbnails to display per record in Result set View and Gallery View using the Number of thumbnails option in the Settings dialogue for each view:
As you can see, the number is set independently for each View:
By default, only one thumbnail is shown in both Views. If a preferred image has been specified, it will display first.
In Result set View it may be necessary to widen the column to view multiple thumbnails. Alternatively, place the cursor over a thumbnail to have any additional thumbnails pop-out:
If the cursor is placed over a thumbnail (including one that has popped-out) for a moment, a slightly larger version will display:

In versions of Collections older than version 1.16, a PDF is most usefully linked to a record using a field with an Application A field with an Application data type is associated with an application, such as a PDF reader; it is possible to link such a field to a file of the appropriate type (e.g. a .pdf file) and subsequently open the file by clicking the underlined data (typically a filename) in the field. data type such as Reference (digital_reference (RF)) on the Numbers | Digital references panel:
Linked this way, the PDF can be viewed in a browser tab by clicking the underlined file name, and the file can be downloaded with the Download icon beside the field.
From Collections version 1.16 onwards it is also possible to link a PDF to a media field (with an image data type) such as Reference (media.reference (FN)) on the Media panel:
Linked this way the PDF can be viewed in the Media viewer:
Note: In versions of Collections older than version 1.16 it is also possible to link a PDF to a media field (with an image data type) but clicking the underlined file name does not display the document.
When viewing a PDF in the Media viewer a toolbar is available for working with the PDF:
Icon |
Name |
Details |
Show / Hide contents pane |
Useful for navigating a PDF with multiple pages: select a page icon to jump to that page. |
Find |
Search the text of the PDF:
Click the icon again to hide the drop-down. |
Previous / Next |
Move to the previous / next page. |
Page |
Shows the current page number. Enter a page number and press Enter to jump to that page. |
Zoom |
Zoom out / in by clicking the
Print the document (annotations / drawings will be included in your printed document). |
Save |
Save the document annotations / drawings will be included in your saved document). Tip: Use the Download |
Annotate the document |
Click the icon and (optionally) set a text size using the slider and colour, click the document and type: Note: annotation are NOT stored in the PDF, however it is possible to download or print the document with your annotations using the Save Click the icon again to stop annotating the document. |
Draw |
Click the icon and (optionally) set a colour, pen thickness and opacity, click the document and draw (signature, underline, etc.): Note: drawings are NOT stored in the PDF, however it is possible to download or print the document with your drawings using the Save Click the icon again to stop drawing on the document. |
Menu |
Click for options to rotate the document, scroll, show multiple pages, etc. |

Keyboard shortcuts have been added to the Open / Close all panels buttons in the Record details View toolbar.
To open all panels:
- Click the toolbar button
Use the keyboard shortcut, ALT+<down arrow>
To close all panels:
- Click the toolbar button
Use the keyboard shortcut, ALT+<up arrow>
Placing the cursor over a button will display the keyboard shortcut in a tooltip:

The Field properties box provides details about the properties of a field and the data it contains. It is accessed by right-clicking a field in Record details View or Result set View when viewing or editing record details, and selecting Properties in the context menu that displays:
Previously, details about a field's properties and data were presented on a single tab of the Field properties box in three sections (Field Info, Screen, Data). Here we see the field properties of the creator (VV) field:
Information about a field has been enhanced with Collections 1.16, providing a more complete definition of the field and its data. To accommodate the greater range of information the Field properties box now includes four tabs. Here we see the field properties of the creator (VV) field in Collections 1.16:
More details about the Field properties box can be found here.

Previously, restoring a value in a Linked field A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref). was more complex than restoring a value in other types of field as the field history only recorded the priref
A record's unique identifier. Currently, the simplest way to view a record's unique identifier is to add the priref column to Result set View. The field tag for the priref field is %0. for the linked record:
Before we could restore a link to the record, it was necessary to search the target data source A link is made from a record in one data source (primary) to a record in another data source (target). A data source could be both the primary and target data source in a linking relationship if one of its records links to another of its records. using the priref in order to identify which record to link to.
Now the Field History shows the value from the linked record:
and restoring the link to the record only requires editing the primary record and updating the link:
Details about how to restore a value in a field can be found here.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-4937 |
Some data sources |
CV1-4922 |
A before-deletion adapl procedure did not display error messages generated by the adapl. |
CV1-4907 |
An object reference not set... error appeared when searching on a specific fixed query access point. |
CV1-4897 |
Inheritance was sometimes lost when a parent record was updated. |
CV1-4889 |
Already established link references in multilingual linked fields were always revalidated on their term value. This made it impossible to have identical terms or names in linked records if that field was multilingual. |
CV1-4886 |
When exporting images to Excel, low resolution image were exported (instead of high resolution ones) when images were retrieved via the WebAPI. The fix ensures that the highest quality (maximum size) images are retrieved. |
CV1-4860 |
An incorrect duplicate key in unique index error could be generated after adding and filling a field groupoccurrence |
CV1-4851 |
On export, grouped Adlib XML did not contain the correct occurrence numbers for repeatable fields: all occurrences were indicated as occurrence 1. |
CV1-4847 |
Clicking a geolocation field in the Geographical thesaurus returned the message: An item with the same key has already been added. |
CV1-4846 |
Inheritance was sometimes lost when a child record was updated. |
CV1-4838 |
If a URL set up as the call to an external source contained the |
CV1-4828 |
Using a comma (as a substitute for OR) to create a shorter search statement, returned a different result than the equivalent search statement formulated with OR. |
CV1-4815 |
Logging out of Collections also logged you out of Okta when it should not have. |
CV1-4811 |
Clicking the download icon in Media viewer did not download the image to a local folder but displayed it in a browser tab instead. |
CV1-4809 |
A large import with multiple active user sessions could cause the application to become unresponsive, when the Test run and Save after successful test checkboxes had been marked: existing sessions would become very slow and you could no longer log out or log in. |
CV1-4789 |
Custom Word templates for label printing could no longer be printed: an invalid report field expression error was reported. |
CV1-4788 |
For a selected marked record the Result set View status bar displayed the text RECORDEDITORWIDGET.MARKED. |
CV1-4776 |
Export to Excel exported all fields instead of only the fields visible in Result set View. |
CV1-4775 |
Cached thumbnails were created in the wrong folder or not created at all if the |
CV1-4774 |
There were several issues with adapl+Word template output formats: the adapl was not run for the selected records, mark-up was not copied for replaced data, new line characters in data were ignored and barcode printing failed. |
CV1-4773 |
When you had created and saved a new record with Result set View open and you closed and reopened Record details View, a new record was opened in Edit mode |
CV1-4767 |
Changes made to the field selection in the Settings box opened from within the Export box while no profile was selected, were not reflected in the field selection in the Export box after closing Settings, causing the wrong field selection to be exported. |
CV1-4766 |
After editing a selected Export profile, the profile was no longer selected so you could not easily be sure which profile you had just edited. |
CV1-4765 |
Clicking the Clear button in the Export box did not reset the Format field to |
CV1-4764 |
The ISBN field did not correctly check entered data: you would get an error message about the format, even if the format was okay but one of the entered numbers was wrong instead. There was actually no check on the format. |
CV1-4763 |
No auto-complete drop-down opened for (title) fields with two different indexes. |
CV1-4758 |
Opening the Find data for the field box for an access point on a Linked field |
CV1-4749 |
Importing records using the scheduler did not work. |
CV1-4739 |
In a specific application there could be an error when saving a record after editing the object number: The parameterized query '(@term nvarchar(12),@displayterm nvarchar(12),@language nvarchar' expects the parameter '@language', which was not supplied. |
CV1-4736 |
The Edit button did nott work for Export profiles other than CSV and Attached media. |
CV1-4732 |
After a Simple search with no records found, a new Simple search that did find records listed only one record per page in Result set View. |
CV1-4717 |
When you tried to move a record to a different location in the Hierarchy browser, a Bad request message would pop up. |
CV1-4716 |
A field conditionally set to read-only for the default value in an enumerative field |
CV1-4714 |
If a field had inadvertently been set to not-repeatable on screen while the other fields in the same field group were repeatable on the screen (and all of them were set to repeatable in the The fix makes sure that if a field group has been set to repeatable in the |
CV1-4711 |
In a Full-text indexed database, disambiguation between multiple identical terms during a Search and replace was no longer possible. |
CV1-4725 |
Linking to an internally linked record seemed to go all right, but when saving the record a priref is outside the boundaries of dataset range error popped up. |
CV1-4704 |
Clicking a Linked field in a Zoom screen |
CV1-4695 |
Move up and Move down buttons had gone missing in the Result set settings, Export and Import boxes. |
CV1-4668 |
After a Collections application pool recycle while Collections was still open in browsers, Collections would show an unclear anti-forgery token exception error. With the fix, users will now get a clear session has expired message and will be redirected to the login page again. |
CV1-4657 |
Opening a linked record in Hierarchy browser did not open the linked image to that record in Media viewer. |
CV1-4654 |
Prior to 1.15, when a field had a Screen texts set for it, that name would appear in Result set View and also in the Advanced search. In 1.15.1 however that name only appeared in Result set View. |
CV1-4653 |
One's own role could no longer be chosen as the owner of the Saved search. |
CV1-4652 |
If Record details View was not very wide, numerical fields could be displayed too narrow to show the value in the field properly. |
CV1-4646 |
CV1-4643 |
There was a Bad request message when attempting to create a record from the Find data for the field box with an associated |
CV1-4641 |
Fields indexed on domain in Full Text indexed databases were not sorted correctly. |
CV1-4639 |
Hierarchical searches in Full Text indexed database were not as efficient and fast as they could be, so this has been improved. |
CV1-4635 |
The Search and replace field list would order fields case-sensitive instead of case-insensitive, causing a strange ordering. |
CV1-4634 |
The Search and replace field list distinguished between indexed and non-indexed fields while that was irrelevant to this functionality. With the fix, the distinction is no longer made. |
CV1-4632 |
Generic, Hierarchical, Broader, Narrower, etc. searches in Full Text indexed databases failed because they were still trying to use indexes that were removed by Full Text indexing: an Invalid object name '<index table name> error was displayed. |
CV1-4631 |
When displaying the All fields overview (containing data) with tags format in Report viewer for a 5.1 model application, not all fields showed up in the report. New functionality in Collections 1.16 (see the Axiell Designer 7.9.1 Release notes topic) plus a new all-fields-unstructured.xslt for model application 5.1 and up has solved this issue. |
CV1-4628 |
When authenticating against an OID IdP (e.g. Okta), groups were not included in the scope. |
CV1-4626 |
A Standard search in a Full Text indexed database, using the Starts with operator on punctuation characters like dashes, retrieved all records instead of just the records with values starting with dashes. This has been fixed. Technical note: from the SQL table, the term column (instead of the stripped column) will now be used for Starts with searches, as it already did for Equals searches. Punctuation characters by themselves (also sequences of such special characters) also cannot be found using contains operators but that is by design, a consequence of Full Text indexing. Also note that in an Advanced search a dash (-) means the Boolean AND NOT if the dash (including any other characters) is not enclosed by double quotes. |
CV1-4624 |
There were missing thumbnails in different views in hosted Collections applications with separate web and asp servers using the FileSystem for media storage and retrieval because the images cache was not updated anymore. |
CV1-4622 |
Some user roles were missing from the Role drop-down when trying to add access rights to Saved searches. |
CV1-4620 |
With Export to Excel, multiple field occurrences were no longer separated by line breaks. |
CV1-4611 |
Exporting images via the Attached Media option resulted in incorrect file names for accents (Umlauts). |
CV1-4600 |
There was an Invalid field data error when merging two records despite them having the correct data type. |
CV1-4596 |
The icons in the Gallery View toolbar were too widely spaced. |
CV1-4591 |
The Contains any and Contains all access point search operators did not use the stripped column in Full Text indexed databases (so you could not search independently of punctuation characters), while Contains phrase did and because of that they did not search beyond 100 characters either (so you would not find records on words that appeared in the field contents beyond the first 100 characters). The fix makes sure that all Contains operators in Full Text indexed databases can find words at the end of long field contents and that all of them search independently of punctuation characters and other stripped special characters. |
CV1-4587 |
An XSLT output job producing XML was downloaded with the HTML MIME-type and with the |
CV1-4585 |
When searching a non-indexed field, Collections would look at the first 100 characters in the field. The fix makes sure that now the entire field contents of non-indexed fields is searched. |
CV1-4584 |
Executing a |
CV1-4580 |
Rescheduling a scheduled task, made the task unscheduled and the schedule could not be updated (reporting a Bad request). |
CV1-4575 |
Linked field auto-complete values could be displayed as an overlay on the Find data for the field box if that box opened before the auto-complete list did when clicking the icon on the right side of a Linked field. |
CV1-4574 |
The Adlib XML (grouped) export format in Collections did not export all selected fields. |
CV1-4572 |
Derival of a record could fail with an error about disallowed field contents (of an enumerative field) in the target dataset, even if an after-derival adapl had already emptied that field to prevent such an error. |
CV1-4571 |
Exported XML from Collections was not compatible with a Designer XML import (and not the same as XML exported from Adlib) because the priref |
CV1-4566 |
It was no longer possible to print |
CV1-4530 |
Merging selected records in Result set View resulted in a blank Record details View screen. |
CV1-4519 |
Sorting on an additional multilingual Linked field removed sorting on the first one. |
CV1-4511 |
When the Standard search form was cleared with the Clear button, any marked checkboxes were not cleared. |
CV1-4500 |
The displayed order of fields on a screen in Collections was not always the same as the order in which the fields were placed on the screen in design mode. |
CV1-4499 |
Importing a certain record returned an error: invalid column name 'term'. |
CV1-4479 |
The list of modification dates on the Difference tab in the Record history box was sorted ascending (instead of descending with the most recent one on top). |
CV1-4478 |
Restoring a deleted record via the Restore icon in the Journal maintenance window failed with a DatabaseRecordNotFoundException. |
CV1-4462 |
Thumbnails were always shown as square images in Excel sheets when exporting from Collections if the WebAPI was used to retrieve those images. |
CV1-4427 |
Certain Linked fields got a red outline when values from their auto-complete drop lists were selected, but the record could still be saved. |
CV1-4424 |
When clicking the Create template from current record icon for a record in Edit mode, a 404- File or directory not found error was displayed. |
CV1-4413 |
When clicking a reference to a PDF file in the digital_reference field, the file was always downloaded even if you had set your browser to open clicked PDFs to open in a browser tab. |
CV1-4405 |
Values containing spaces could not be found when the field had an alpha-numerical index. |
CV1-4380 |
When you had navigated to a certain page in a table grid in Record details View, selected a certain line and put the record in Edit mode because you wanted to edit that line on the relevant page, the grid view reset to the first page so you had to navigate back to the page you were on earlier. |
CV1-4359 |
The Record type filter mode tooltip in the Record details settings box was unclear. Now the tooltip explains the option better: This mode makes sure you only get to see the screens and fields applicable to the record type (like a level of object type) of the opened record. |
CV1-4340 |
Numeric fields failed to show a 1,000 (comma) separator when read-only. |
CV1-4227 |
When buttons are wrapped in multiple columns on the Standard search form, clicking the Clear button made the second column buttons disappear. After leaving and going back to the Standard search form, they came back. |
CV1-3943 |
In some applications, lists of Saved searches / pointer files took a long time to load. |
CV1-3806 |
Task screen field or label suppress conditions assessing a logical field (and other field types) did not work. |
CV1-3524 |
Images printed to Word templates resulted in low resolution or thumbnail images. Fixed with new |
CV1-3377 |
Field help text did not display for fields in table grids. |
CV1-3249 |
Clicking an internally Linked field in a table grid in Record details View did not navigate to the linked record, but opened a Zoom screen. |
CV1-2832 |
Under certain circumstance, values from enumerative fields The issue could be reproduced by opening two sessions to the same Axiell Collections instance: in the first session you would set the interface language to English and in the second session you would set the interface language to something else (like Dutch or French), after which you would use the first session to do a search in the Archive catalogue and open the Hierarchy browser. The description level of each record in the Hierarchy browser would then be displayed in the interface language of the second session. |

Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 4.8 must be installed on the IIS server running Collections (after which the server needs to be rebooted).
Details about technical requirements and minimum specifications can be found here.

Release Date: 30 Nov 2022

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-4586 |
The application id (set in the application configuration) could no longer be used to set access rights, causing screens and data sources not part of the licensed application to become visible in Collections (where they are normally hidden with appropriated access rights). |
CV1-4704 |
Clicking on a Linked field |
CV1-4677 |
Advanced searches for a very large number of values in Text or Free text indexes caused a crash of the Collections Application pool. There is now no limit to the number of values that can be included in the search statement for Free text indexed fields, non-indexed fields and integer indexes (a search on thousands of values is possible). A search on a Text indexed field does have a limit of about 2100 search values. When you try to execute a larger search statement, an error message about the limit will display and it will be necessary to reduce the search statement. |
CV1-4667 |
The maximum number of records that can be loaded in the Hierarchy browser was 1000; the actual number of records to load is specified using the Number of nodes per request option in the Record Hierarchy settings box:
Any number specified higher than 1000 would be reset to 1000. With the new <Setting Key="HierarchyThreshold" Value="0" /> The
If a Note: Increasing the limit to a high value will have a negative impact on performance! |

Release Date: 31 October 2022

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.

By default, the Select data source box, which displays when New or Search is selected in the Main menu, lists all data sources The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. you are authorized to work with. As the list can be long and some data sources may rarely if ever be accessed, a Settings button has been added to the box to enable each user to control which data sources are listed; it is also possible to change the order in which they are listed:
Any changes you make to the Select data source box are stored in your user profile and are persistent until changed again.
To customize the Select data source box:
Click the Settings button to open the Data source settings box:
The column on the left lists all data sources you are authorized to access; the column on the right lists the data sources that are included in the Select data source box in the order in which they display.
To include a data source in the Select data source box:
Double-click a data source name in the left column to move it to the right column
Select a data source name in the left column and click Add.
To remove a data source from the Select data source box:
Double-click a data source name in the right column to move it to the left column
Select a data source name in the right column and click Remove.
Tip: Start typing a data source name in the text field above a column to filter the list to matching names.
To change the order in which data sources are listed in the Select data source box:
Select a data source label in the right column.
Click Move up or Move down to reposition it.
While it is possible to move a sub data source (Object catalogue for instance) outside of its parent data source (Catalogue in this case), it can be useful to keep such data sources together as a visual reminder about which data sources will be searched when a parent data source is selected: for example, when a search is run in the Catalogue in this example, the search will run across all highlighted data sources:
Note: Removing a sub data source from the Select data source box does not remove it from Collections. If Accessions was removed in the example above and a search was run in Catalogue, the search would run across all of the Catalogue's sub data sources, including Accessions.
It is possible to restore the Select data source box to its default state by clicking the Reset button.

It is possible to sort and filter Saved searches (aka groups, Write sets) listed on the Saved searches tab of the Search box and in the Manage Saved Searches box. Here we see Saved searches sorted and filtered on the Saved searches tab:
A user's sort and filter choices are now stored in their user profile so that it is no longer necessary to set these options each time the Saved searches tab or the Manage Saved Searches box is accessed. Choices are persistent until changed again.
More details:

In multilingual systems a data language is selected from the Data language drop list in the Main menu (or top Toolbar in earlier versions of Collections). To assist with keeping track of the currently active data language (and minimizing the risk of entering data in the wrong language), the active data language is indicated beside the data source name in the Title bar:

Selecting Print in the top Toolbar opens the Output formats box from which it is possible to print different types of output. To assist with identifying the type of output, each option in the Output formats box now includes an icon:
The icons have the following meaning:
Icon |
Details |
A Word document will be created and saved to your Downloads folder. |
An XML or HTML page will be generated by an XSLT stylesheet and saved to your Downloads folder. |
A CSV, text or PDF document will open in your browser. |
Any other output format type not included in the above categories. |

Implementing Full Text indexing (introduced with Collections 1.14) can improve search performance in long text fields, fields with unique terms, fields with non-unique terms and Linked fields A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref).; it also provides the ability to perform phrase searching (contains phrase and does not contain phrase) in such fields in a Standard search, and to use the Starts with operator in a Standard search.
With Collections 1.15 Application Administrators have an option to improve searches where values include special characters. To be available, Application Administrators must run an update procedure in databases where Full Text indexing has already been implemented (details available in the Axiell Designer 7.8.1 Release Notes).
Without this update it is necessary to know the exact spelling of a name like O'Toole, Peter
, for example, and to include the single quote and comma in the search value in order to have a precise match:
"O'Toole, Peter
And if a value includes brackets, hyphens, and so on, it is necessary to include those characters in the
.With the update, it is possible to perform a search for values with or without the special characters; furthermore, it is possible to use the normalized form of letters (for example, ae
will match æ
; oe
will match Ø
or œ
A space is not considered a special character so must be included in search values comprising multiple terms, but when this option is implemented O'Toole, Peter
will be matched by any of the following:
- "
O'Toole, Peter
" - "
OToole Peter
" - "
O'Toole Peter
" - "
otool peter
" otool*
Following the update, these characters or combinations of characters can be omitted when searching a Full Text indexed database:

You will note that the *
and ?
are listed as symbols that can be omitted from a search. This is not, of course, in their capacity as wildcards: if you include these characters in your search value, they will behave as wildcards.
However, consider a situation where there are three terms in the Thesaurus: ABCDEF
, ABC?
and ABC*
Following the update, a search for ABC*
will continue to match all three terms (the *
operates as a wildcard character).
A search for ABC
however will match ABC?
and ABC*
The exception
The exception is uniquely indexed fields (fields which are both indexed and only allow unique values): in this case it is not possible to omit a special character. For example, if a uniquely indexed object number contains a hyphen:
searching for ABC1234
will not locate the record. The hyphen must be specified for a direct match; alternatively, using a wildcard, e.g. ABC*
, will return the record (along with any others where the object number commences with ABC
Number of characters in a search term
Following the update, a search value can be greater than 100 characters (previously a limit in certain cases). For example, if a title is long, it is possible to specify the full title as your search value in a Standard search using the equals operator; or to specify one or more words (beyond 100 characters) in a contains phrase search (not currently a contains any search however).
Note that searches were already case insensitive, accents were ignored in search values, and ligatures and other special letters could be matched using the normalized version of the character(s). For example:
will matchá
will matchæ
will matchØ

A record can be marked Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). in Result set View or Gallery View by adding a tick to its checkbox; one or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (dropped from the list of records, printed, bulk edited, and so on).
It is now also possible to mark the current record The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance. in Record details View. A Mark icon has been added to the Record details View toolbar:
One or more records can be marked in Record details View. Marking / unmarking a record in one View, marks / unmarks it in every other View (i.e. as you mark a record in Record details View, the checkbox in Result set View is marked).
To mark the current record:
- Click the Mark icon
- Use the keyboard shortcut, SHIFT+F4.
When a record is marked, the icon appears recessed (as shown above).
Reverse the selection by clicking the icon or using the keyboard shortcut.

When records are marked Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). in Result set View, Gallery View or Record details View, the Status bar (in Result set View and Record details View) now indicates the number of marked records:

Collections 1.15 introduces a Period field type that allows date periods expressed as a natural language value, 12th century for example, to be saved and searched for.
Users only see the natural language version of the period, but the indexed (searchable) value is stored as an ISO start and end date range (i.e. a numerical value):
Period entered by a user |
Indexed value |
12th century |
Spring 2022 |
late 2018 |
Early 19th Century - 2022 |
1950s |
Validation takes place after leaving the field. If a value is entered that is not recognized, a warning displays and a different period value will need to be entered, e.g.:
An overview of English natural language period elements that can be entered and subsequently searched for can be found here.
When searching a Period field the search value is specified as a complete natural language period, such as 12th century (any years must be specified as digits); do not use single words (not even truncated) from the natural language period (such as century) nor ISO dates with months and/or days. Behind the scenes the natural language search value is converted to an ISO date range and matched against the indexed values.
- When searching a broad period, the exact period specified in the search will be yielded and narrower periods that fall within its range.
- It is only possible to search for a single date period, not date period ranges.
Date values must be specified in the current User Interface language in Collections when editing or searching records. For example, if the current User Interface language is Dutch, a search might be:
my_period_field from "21e eeuw"
and if it is English, the same search would be:
my_period_field from "21st century"
The search result will be the same as the indexed value is an ISO date range that is language independent.
Supported languages are currently:
- British English
- Dutch
- Danish
- Welsh
- Portuguese
- Swedish
Application Administrators will find details about implementing the Period field type in the Axiell Designer Help.

When importing data from a CSV file, it has previously been possible to specify the field and decimal separators, and date format used in the import file. With the addition of an Encoding drop list to the CSV settings box it is now also possible to specify the encoding of the file:
The CSV settings box is accessed by clicking the Settings button in the Import box (an import is run by selecting Import from the Main menu). Full details about the Import function can be found here.
The default Encoding option is UTF8 without byte order mark; if your import file has any other encoding, select it from the drop list to enforce the selected encoding when the file is imported. Selecting the import file's encoding ensures that characters are not converted to incorrect characters during import. The following encoding options are available:
Note that if your file does have a byte order mark, a BOM (a hidden character in a file that tells the processing software which Unicode character encoding to expect from the file), Collections will automatically apply the UTF8 encoding in the file regardless of the option selected in the drop list (you can select UTF8 with byte order mark from the drop list but it is not necessary).
One way to identify the encoding in your import file is to open the file in Notepad++ and select the Encoding menu:
The file's encoding is indicated by the black dot.
Note: UTF-8
is UTF8 without byte order mark.
CSV files created in MS Excel are usually encoded as UTF-8
, hence the default option in the Encoding drop list.
In Collections versions prior to 1.15, ASCII is the implicitly assumed encoding for all imported CSV files without BOM, while UTF8 with BOM is assumed when a BOM is present.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-4603 |
There was an incorrect duplicate key error when saving a particular object record. |
CV1-4590 |
Searching on enumerative fields |
CV1-4573 |
Rows in a record table grid would display briefly and then disappear if there were field suppress conditions on non-repeatable fields. |
CV1-4567 |
A contains any Standard search using wildcards returned no hits. |
CV1-4562 |
When searching on an empty string in an inherited field, records with an inherited value would still end up in the search result although that value was not stored in the record (so the field was actually empty). |
CV1-4557 |
In a Full Text indexed database, searching on part of a reference with special characters |
CV1-4554 |
There was a primary key constraint error when running a search for an empty string. |
CV1-4549 |
When editing and then saving a linked record in its zoom screen, Record details View suddenly showed the linked record; if that record did not exist in the current data source, an empty Record details View was shown. |
CV1-4544 |
Clicking a record in Result set View did not always populate Record details View. |
CV1-4540 |
An |
CV1-4521 |
Setting a field value in a multilingual field to invariant |
CV1-4520 |
There was a double |
CV1-4507 |
Data in a multilingual Linked field |
CV1-4497 |
When sorting Result set View on an inherited field, records with inherited values (which are not stored in the record) always ended up at the top or a the bottom of the list because to the sorting algorithm these fields were empty. With the fix inherited fields are treated as if their inherited value is stored in the record when sorting. If the inherited field is a multilingual field as well, this is taken into account using the current data language and the inherited field value in that language to sort on. |
CV1-4491 |
Certain sorting conditions set up for an access point, resulted in an Unexpected token, expected " instead of ‘occurrences'. error when Standard searching this access point. |
CV1-4488 |
In certain situations, an incorrect value from a Linked field occurrence |
CV1-4484 |
The options for dealing with field occurrences had gone missing from the CSV Settings dialogue for exports. |
CV1-4477 |
It was no longer possible to add a recipient email address to a Saved search schedule. |
CV1-4469 |
In a customized application (with record access rights and Default access rights set to None while the Record access user, Record access rights and Record owner fields were set by the storage adapl), it was not possible to add a new Document record: No read access for record. |
CV1-4468 |
When double-clicking a field in windows containing two fields lists, the field moved to the other list was displayed in the middle of the box instead of at the top of the box or just below the other fields. |
CV1-4461 |
Sorting on the uniquely indexed reference_number (IN) field in Result set View did not work in a Full Text indexed database. |
CV1-4459 |
Which value in a repeatable field was used for sorting the record in Result set View depended on sorting Ascending or Descending. The fix (only for Full Text indexed databases) makes sure that sorting always happens on the first occurrence of a repeatable field. |
CV1-4457 |
Adding a new occurrence in a detail or zoom screen cleared the content of the already existing occurrence. |
CV1-4444 |
The Record details View Filter mode setting Has Data would hide panels and fields in Edit mode The fix not only shows all panels by default when editing a record but also shows panels containing table grids by default (even if the Has data mode has been set and the table grids are empty) because table grids are filled dynamically so it cannot be determined beforehand whether these have data or not. |
CV1-4441 |
Moving records from one dataset to another using a task no longer worked due to a code change in 1.14.1; access rights were not checked correctly prohibiting the move. |
CV1-4432 |
Sorting on the Result set View column for a merged-in field no longer worked. |
CV1-4411 |
When a new Archive (catalogue) record was created by the ADAPL command write _LOCAL, the PID fields were not filled. |
CV1-4393 |
When navigating records via Related records View, names of active data sources (as displayed above Result set View) were wrong. This was due to a previous code change in 1.14.1 causing access rights to be checked incorrectly, disallowing access to some data sources. |
CV1-4293 |
The task summary window's OK button was not always visible or displayed. |
CV1-4291 |
If the request.inf database name was changed to something else, clicking the mission items link button in the Axiell Move dashboard resulted in an error because request.inf was the mandatory name. Solved with new functionality to configure previously hard-coded database names: please see the Axiell Designer |
CV1-4273 |
When exporting Attached media, the field list on the right showed remembered fields from the last (non-media) export, but those are not relevant here. A field selection for currently chosen Format will now be remembered for this Format after you click OK. |
CV1-4237 |
It was possible to create links to a linked record when another user had locked that linked record for editing. |
CV1-4190 |
After saving a new record, the displayed record became the before-last one in the result set (which was not the record you just created). |
CV1-4150 |
JQuery libraries were outdated, causing a possible security risk. |
CV1-4104 |
An error was generated when editing Use / Used for fields when the Thesaurus was set up as feedback database for itself. |

Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 4.8 must be installed on the IIS server running Collections (after which the server needs to be rebooted).
Details about technical requirements and minimum specifications can be found here.

Release Date: 09 September 2022
Issues Resolved
Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-4414 |
Export to Excel returned an error if media to be exported could not be loaded. With the fix, when a media file can not be found, the media reference will be exported to the Excel sheet instead of the image itself. |
CV1-4412 |
Error message at login in some multi-tenancy applications: The method or operation is not implemented. |
CV1-4411 |
When a new archive (catalogue) record was created by the ADAPL command |
CV1-4408 |
The sort order of a table grid for an "indexed link" list of linked records was not correct. |
CV1-4404 |
Result set View turned up empty after a first bulk creation operation. |
CV1-4403 |
Record details View did not refresh after the creation of a new record via bulk creation. |
CV1-4401 |
Any storage adapl generated error message was not displayed after a bulk create operation. |
CV1-4400 |
A Violation of primary key error could appear when opening the Saved searches tab. |
CV1-4392 |
Using the Create entry button in the Find data for the field box for a multilingual Linked field |
CV1-4389 |
Sorting on a Linked field column in Result set View failed if the Linked field was multilingual. |
CV1-4377 |
The German data source selection window title Wählen Sie eine Datenbank was not correct and was changed to Wählen Sie eine Datenquelle. |
CV1-4373 |
When deleting a record (with Full Text indexing in place), the index tables for unique indexes were not updated. |
CV1-4370 |
Deep links were not working in a multi-tenancy setup. |
CV1-4367 |
The Collections application start up time was a bit slow. |
CV1-4361 |
In a multilingual application, the auto-complete list for Linked fields did not show the general prohibition sign in front of non-preferred terms. |
CV1-4360 |
Multilingual Linked fields in a table grid could not be emptied. |
CV1-4358 |
Dutch labels for the Create entry (Accepteer link) and Create and edit entry (Creëer en bewerk link) buttons in the Find data for the field box were found to be confusing, so they have been changed to Creëer en Creëer en bewerk respectively. Moreover, if you hover the mouse cursor over one of the buttons, a tooltip with an extra explanation of the function of that button will show. |
CV1-4352 |
When sorting of occurrences |
CV1-4345 |
When trying to remove a child record from a parent hierarchy, you were correctly able to remove the parts record, but after saving the record it reappeared if there was an indexed link setup for the internal hierarchical relation. |
CV1-4341 |
An inherited field (linkref) in one database was incorrectly written in its reverse link in the other database when you edited and saved a child record that had an inherited value. |
CV1-4331 |
The sorting / order of the auto-complete list and the list in the Find data for the field box was not alphabetical when using the external AAT thesaurus. |
CV1-4330 |
Related records View could disappear while navigating related records. |
CV1-4327 |
Deleting object records in a Full Text database was not possible because of an Invalid object name collect_title error. |
CV1-4326 |
Searching in e.g. the Archive catalogue via the Standard search form on any field in a Full Text index application produced an Invalid object name 'collect_titlterm' error. |
CV1-4325 |
Linking an object on Linked objects screen using the Saved searches tab in the Find data for the field box was not possible for the first occurrence of the Linked field. |
CV1-4324 |
Importing numeric values containing a decimal comma did not give an error message for invalid content, but instead accepted and removed the comma. |
CV1-4318 |
The Find data for the field box showed an error when a user did not have access to a data source but did have access to the database. |
CV1-4312 |
If the current record |
CV1-4310 |
Normal (non-Full Text indexed) databases offered the Starts with search operator for Text indexed access points, which was not correct. |
CV1-4308 |
When the UI language required a comma in numerical fields in table grids, a dot was still accepted on entry but not saved, so the data was corrupted. |
CV1-4307 |
Import sometimes gave an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. |
CV1-4305 |
There was an after-field adapl date assignment issue, resulting in an Invalid field data error. |
CV1-4301 |
Some custom screens were missing from Record details View. |
CV1-4300 |
There was a task adapl date assignment issue, resulting in an Invalid field data error. |
CV1-4297 |
In the Thesaurus is was possible to remove a term.type value from a term even when that term was in use. |
CV1-4292 |
If you selected a filter value for a Linked field from the drop-down list, Collections failed to do anything when the Filter button was clicked. |
CV1-4272 |
The Disable download property and Disable download condition property for image fields were ignored for the media export functionality. |
CV1-4262 |
An invalid value in a numeric field did not display and did not generate an error message either. |
CV1-4255 |
Record details View settings were reset to their defaults after a new search, and not remembered. |
CV1-4250 |
An indexed link configuration did not show all links in a Linked field. |
CV1-4232 |
Removing a value from a mandatory field in an existing record allowed saving the record and automatically put back the removed value. |
CV1-3866 |
Using a minus character as the boolean operator AND NOT returned incorrect search results in word indexed fields. |
CV1-3819 |
For large images, one could only get part of the image to display in Media viewer, even after zooming out. |
CV1-3787 |
Removing a Linked field did not remove all metadata records from the database. This made it impossible to add new data to the occurrence. |
CV1-3780 |
Some geographical maps did not display. WMTS based map services require an extra editable field in the Maps data source to identify the The Tile matrix set property in the relevant maps record for this service should be set to Axiell Collections or higher is required to be able to display this type of map. |
CV1-3760 |
A Boolean combined Standard search on an enumerative field gave a Field '' not found at combining error. |
CV1-3187 |
Default field values could not be applied to write-back fields. |
CV1-2983 |
For numerical fields with zeros padding, clicking in the field in Edit mode did not remove the thousand-separator character from the entered value. |
CV1-2750 |
A selected record was no longer highlighted in Result set View after editing and saving that record in Record details View. |

Release Date: 15 July 2022

Application Administrators should review the Axiell Designer Release Notes for recent changes that impact Collections.
Notable changes introduced with Axiell Designer 7.8 include:
- Full Text index type
A Full Text index table is (optionally) available from Axiell Designer version 7.8 and Axiell Collections version 1.14. If implemented, a single Full Text index table per
file will replace all free text index tables, all non-unique text (term) index tables and the wordlist table. As a result, SQL queries will become simpler and more efficient.Additionally, for Full Text indexed databases it is possible to perform contains phrase and does not contain phrase searching on both Text (term) and Free text indexed fields.
- Logging changes made in Axiell Designer
Changes (including deleted and added properties) to elements of the
configuration files can be logged automatically, allowing administrators to keep track of who changed application properties and when, and to track down the cause of errors due to some misconfiguration. - Logging options for Collections Login and Bulk operations
Details about bulk operations performed by users and the login of users can be logged. Bulk operations include importing, exporting, printing, running tasks and find-and-replace procedures. Administrators can use the information to find out when users have logged in and who performed particular bulk operations.
- Writing a new Word document to a URL
When using the ADAPL
function result = WordCreateDocument (template, document_or_printer, option, tag) to create a new Word document, it was previously always necessary to use a file name as the document_or_printer argument. From Collections 1.14 onwards it is also possible to use a URL as the argument.

The option to import / export data in the Tagged format has been added to Collections:
The Tagged format corresponds to the Adlib Tagged file format familiar to Adlib for Windows user; although CSV and XML are the recommended formats for the exchange of data, the Tagged format is available to assist Adlib for Windows users migrate to Collections where the Adlib Tagged file format has been used extensively. Those familiar with the Adlib Tagged file format will find that most Tagged functionality is the same, although some options are omitted as they are not relevant.
The Tagged format
A Tagged format file has a .dat
extension. The Tagged format consists of a list of field tags and values, one per line; a tag and its value are separated by a space. Records are separated by two asterisks. The following example is an export of two book records with a repeated field:
%02 29
ti Great Zulu commanders
ex 70
ex 71
au Knight, Ian
%0 718
ti The very sleepy pig
ex 1823
ex 1824
ex 1825
ex 1826
au Malam, John
Note the following when importing / exporting the Tagged format:
Field type |
Details |
If a field is repeated, the tag is listed for each occurrence |
Only the resolved (visible) value in a Linked field is exported; for example, a creator's name in Linked field creator (VV) in an object record is exported. Link reference tags ( |
Tagged format is not recommended for the export of multilingual data as only the value in the current data language is exported without language attributes (and occurrences that do not have a value in the current data language but do have values in other data languages will be exported as empty occurrences). When importing a value from a Tagged file into a multilingual field in Collections, the value is given the current data language attribute. Tip: The recommended format for the exchange of multilingual data is XML as it allows for the export of all translations and associated language attributes. |
GeoLocation fields can be exported and imported as place names. GeoJSON fields can be exported but cannot be imported. These two field types are not Adlib compatible. |
RTF (Rich Text Format) fields |
RTF fields exported from Adlib to ADLIB Tagged file format export all RTF codes along with the field contents. As there are no RTF fields in Collections, RTF codes will be imported as field content. |

The process for exporting data in Tagged format is the same as exporting to any other format. Full details about exporting data can be found here.
In summary:
- Search a data source
The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about objects / items / books, people and organizations, events, administration and more. This information is stored as records in data sources. Each data source stores a specific type of information: details about collection items, people, events, loans, and so on. and view the returned records in Result set View.
- To export all listed records, select the Export
button in the Result set View toolbar.
Note: To export a subset of records, mark
Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). them first.
The Export box displays.
- Select a radio button to export data from the current
The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance. record, marked
Marking a record means selecting it by adding a tick to the record's checkbox in Result set View or Gallery View, and in Record Details View from Collections 1.15 onwards. One or more records can be marked and then actioned in some way (e.g. printed). records, or all records currently listed in Result set View.
- Select Tagged from the Format drop list:
Select which fields to export in the list of system field names on the left.
Note: By default, fields displaying in Result set View are listed in the right column and will be exported.
- To select multiple fields individually, press the CTRL key as you click field names. To select a number of consecutive fields, press and hold the SHIFT key as you click a field and then click another field higher or lower in the list (all fields from the first clicked field to the second will be selected).
- To include record numbers in the exported data, be sure to include the priref
A record's unique identifier. Currently, the simplest way to view a record's unique identifier is to add the priref column to Result set View. The field tag for the priref field is %0. field.
- Field names with
extension will not be exported even if included in the list of export fields.
- Select OK to run the export.
The export file name is formatted as
is a number and the file will be saved in your Downloads folder.
Note: Unlike Adlib, it is not possible to save export settings in a parameter file or profile for re-use.

Importing data in Tagged format is the same process as importing any other format. Full details about importing date can be found here.
In summary:
Select Import in the Main menu.
The Select data source box displays with a list of all data sources you are authorized to work with:
- Select the data source in which records will be updated by the import (the target data source).
The Import box displays.
- Select Tagged from the Format drop list.
In the File field, locate the file with the data to be imported:
- Select the fields to import.
Although you can select the priref
A record's unique identifier. Currently, the simplest way to view a record's unique identifier is to add the priref column to Result set View. The field tag for the priref field is %0. (record number) field, this value is never imported as newly created records are always assigned a new record number.
However, if the purpose of your import is to update existing records (you select the Update only option) and you set the priref field as the Match field, the priref in the import file will be used to find matching records (more details here).
Tip: For an update import, the Match field does not need to be in the list of fields to import.
- Make any other settings as desired and click OK to start the import.
Adlib parameter files cannot be loaded in the Import dialogue in Collections but it is possible to save import settings in a new Profile (details here).
The Adlib for Windows Process external links and Process internal links options (marked by default) are not present in Collections because they are rather advanced options that most users should never switch off. In Collections, external and internal links will always be processed, which means that Collections tries to find a record in the linked database matching the imported Linked field value (the first one it finds) and then creates the link to that record. If the imported linked field value does not exist in the linked database, a new linked record with the candidate status and the proper domain for the Linked field will automatically be created and the link to that record will be established.

Previously, when exporting a media field such as reproduction.referencewith the Export to Excel option, the export file would include a text reference to an image, not the image itself.
Now the export file includes a thumbnail of the first linked image in a record; the size of the image is specified using the Thumbnail option in the Result set View Settings dialogue. For non-image media such as movie or music files, an icon indicating the media type is included in the export file.
Details here.

The Export tool accessed from the Result set View toolbar now enables authorized users to export media files that are linked to one or more records currently listed in Result set View.
In the Export box select Attached media from the Format drop list to export media to a zip file:
When exporting image files, they can be converted to another format and/or resized.
Details here.

Copying and sharing a link to the current record in Record details View or to the search query that generated a list of records in Result set View is now possible with the Deep Link option available in the Result set View and Record details View toolbars:
- In Record details View, selecting Deep Link copies a link to the current record
The record currently displayed in Record details View or highlighted (with a solid grey background) in Result set View or Gallery View for instance..
- In Result set View, selecting Deep Link copies a link to the search query or Saved search that generated the list of records in Result set View. Note:
- The link is to the query that generated the initial list of records: if you change the set by dropping one or more records from Result set View and then copy the link, the dropped records will be listed when the link is followed. If you want a link to a modified record set, save the set as a Saved search, open the Saved search in Result set View and then copy the link.
- If a Saved search is modified after a link is shared, users will always see the list of records generated by the modified Saved search as the Deep link is to the Saved search itself.
A message confirming that the link has been copied to the Windows clipboard will display in the right upper corner of the browser window:
The link can now be pasted and shared.
Note: The link will not work if you paste it into the Address bar of a browser tab that is already running Collections. When a user clicks the link in an email etc., Collections will always open in a new tab.

Axiell Designer A tool for designing, creating, customizing and managing Axiell Collections applications and databases, broadly speaking, the Axiell Collections Model Application. As well as managing databases, including user access and permissions, Designer is used for such tasks as translating field labels, tooltips, values in drop lists, etc. version 7.8 provides Application Administrators with an option to implement Full Text indexing in Collections 1.14 onwards. If implemented, this can improve search performance in long text fields, fields with unique terms, fields with non-unique terms and Linked fields
A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref).; it also provides the ability to perform phrase searching (contains phrase and does not contain phrase) in such fields in a Standard search (although not yet an Advanced search). When performing a contains phrase search, a record will be returned if the exact combination of words in your search value (ignoring case) is located in the search field.
For example, a contains phrase search for dollhouse with furniture in the title (TI) field would return records with titles such as Wooden dollhouse with furniture and lights and Dollhouse with furniture, but not Dollhouse with plastic furniture.
Tip: It is not possible to truncate terms in a phrase search.
Without Full Text indexing, contains phrase and does not contain phrase searches are only possible on Text (term) indexes, not on Free text indexes for long text fields such as Notes and Description.
Tip: A description of the difference between Text (term) and Free text indexes can be found here.

When Full Text indexing has been implemented, the starts with search operator becomes available when searching all text fields in a Standard search.
starts with is useful when searching long text fields as it allows you to search for the first word in the field, in contrast to equals, which searches for your search term anywhere in the field.
Your search term is implicitly truncated, so a search for littl
operates as if the *
wildcard has been used, e.g. littl*

XSLT stylesheets for inline reports and output formats now support all functions included in XSLT version 3.0 and earlier. This means that more advanced stylesheets for these purposes can now be made.

Jira Issue # |
Brief description |
CV1-4320 |
An Object reference not set to an instance of an object error appeared when searching a data source |
CV1-4318 |
The Find data for the field box showed an error when a user did not have access to a data source while they did have access to the database. |
CV1-4309 |
Users were prevented from seeing data in fields where it should appear because Collections applied the permissions from the |
CV1-4296 |
The order of the columns (after changing them) in the Manage saved searches box was not persistent. |
CV1-4276 |
After entering a non-existing term in a Linked field, the Find data for the field box did not contain the term in the search key field anymore. |
CV1-4271 |
Some single-sided connect entities did not work anymore. |
CV1-4270 |
CV1-4247 |
CV1-4241 |
An Advanced search on a link reference tag of an indexed Link field returned an error: Invalid column name 'term'. Invalid column name 'priref'. |
CV1-4238 |
An error 8 (Internal error) occurred when writing a record using FACS with an indexed link reverse link filled. |
CV1-4236 |
Setting a Linked field |
CV1-4230 |
The sort fields list for an Indexed link configuration did not offer a (Free text and Text indexed) title field. |
CV1-4228 |
A Search and replace with the Remove occurrence option marked terminated the replacement job when a record with only one occurrence |
CV1-4224 |
A logical field merged-in with a Linked field mapping, displayed as a text field instead of a checkbox. |
CV1-4223 |
The Write once setting blocked saving of an existing record in which the WriteOnce field had not been changed. |
CV1-4220 |
Sorting on two fields in an Advanced search statement was problematic. |
CV1-4211 |
After refreshing Result set View, the collect record that had just been linked to a loan record via a customized task was not retrieved anymore. |
CV1-4206 |
Error when a date field's default value was set to Current date while the interface language was Arabic. |
CV1-4204 |
After switching to interface language Arabic (right-to-left) records could not be saved due to a date / time conversion issue. |
CV1-4201 |
After clicking on a parent (broader term) or on a child (narrower term) in the Thesaurus, clicking again on the original term did not work. Even when clicking on it in the Hierarchy browser, it did not work. |
CV1-4198 |
Error messages from a task adapl were displayed twice. |
CV1-4197 |
The Add, Remove and Edit buttons were cut off on the right side in the Manage saved searches box. |
CV1-4196 |
A Bad request was reported when clicking the Create entry button in the Find data for the field 'mission_item.action' box. |
CV1-4193 |
CV1-4187 |
Searching a non-indexed field resulted in a set with as many hits as there were occurrences with the search key in total. |
CV1-4186 |
With the interface language set to Spanish, columns in Result set View were displayed as data / people / do, data / people / n4 instead of their field names. |
CV1-4183 |
When searching for a GeoLocation the font used was white on a white background. |
CV1-4180 |
Reverse relation loans->collect was no longer shown. |
CV1-4166 |
All access restrictions set in the |
CV1-4165 |
System variable |
CV1-4163 |
The <SingleSignOn ClientId="[your client id here]" Authority="[your tenant id here]/" Provider="Azure" /> setting in the |
CV1-4162 |
Search and Replace: Remove occurrenceoption terminated the replacement job when a record with only one occurrence was reached with an error message stating that you are not allowed to remove the last occurrence of a field. |
CV1-4157 |
Advanced search operators WHEN and WHEN NOT returned incorrect results. |
CV1-4149 |
User names were stored in cookies. |
CV1-4146 |
Field lists in the Related records settings box did not default to the English (reverse) relation texts when translations were missing. |
CV1-4145 |
A detached Record details View showed up blank. |
CV1-4144 |
The Count function on the Standard search form did not respect an active (search) filter. |
CV1-4143 |
A detached Record details View displayed repeated enumerated |
CV1-4142 |
Connect entities failed for some datasets, although linking them via Record details worked fine and source and destination fields were configured identically. |
CV1-4140 |
When the Import box was open, all the other Main menu options were still accessible. |
CV1-4135 |
Hyperlinks did not work in the contextual help texts for fields. |
CV1-4127 CV1-4101 |
Dialogue windows did not always fit the available space in Collections for a minimal screen resolution of 1920x1080 pixels with the Windows scale factor set to 150% and 100% browser zoom. |
CV1-4123 |
ItemNotFoundException was thrown, when clicking the Records featuring keyword button in the Find data for the field box when opened from within a task screen. Due to the fix the Records featuring keyword button will no longer be available in this situation. |
CV1-4119 |
Horizontal scroll bars and numbers in the footer were not available anymore when the mission item screen was resized. |
CV1-4109 |
Error when searching with Expand: Invalid object name 'collect_rec_stat'. |
CV1-4107 |
Field properties were not available for fields in table grids. |
CV1-4100 |
Reverse relation metadata was not copied when copying a record. |
CV1-4096 |
XSLT templates with template type Raw would output text instead of XML. |
CV1-4095 |
When copying field contents using the menu or CTRL+D from a field group occurrence displayed in a table grid, all occurrences of that field group would be emptied (directly or after pasting). |
CV1-4093 |
Dates stored in forced records were stored in their presentation format, causing data integrity issues. |
CV1-4088 |
Images in HTML fields were not displayed. |
CV1-4084 |
In the link screen for an external thesaurus the detail screen showed incorrect or no data. |
CV1-4079 |
For Linked fields, the Count function in an Advanced search only counted unique occurrences. |
CV1-4070 |
In a specific application, table grids and Hierarchy browser no longer displayed broader or narrower terms and their merged-in values. |
CV1-4066 |
An Invalid numeric value '4,5' for Field 't4' error prevented a mandatory field to be filled in. |
CV1-4052 |
SAML OKTA generated a Too Many Requests error. |
CV1-4050 |
The auto-complete drop down for Linked fields
If a non-preferred term is selected, it will automatically be replaced by its preferred term. |
CV1-4040 |
A context field could lead to a screen (and thus the entire record) not being displayed. |
CV1-4034 |
A Standard search on Df (description_level) = 'FONDS' in the Archive catalogue would freeze Collections. |
CV1-4027 |
For Search and replace, the Confirm replacement box layout was distorted. |
CV1-4021 |
There was an error when selecting an external thesaurus from the Find data for the field box. |
CV1-4013 |
An error occurred when loading a screen for metadata. |
CV1-4006 |
HTML links in XSLT Inline Reports always had target=_parent. |
CV1-3980 |
A 404 - File or directory not found error was generated when trying to create a template from the current record |
CV1-3938 |
The |
CV1-3937 |
When exporting using either the Export or the Export to Excel function, the resulting export was not arranged in the expected order of fields. |
CV1-3926 |
One could not select a record in the Hierarchy browser to display it in Record details View if that record was already selected in Result set View. |
CV1-3861 |
There were severe performance issues, even with simple searches, when using a context field. |
CV1-3815 |
Fields with less text than others on the same line took the same number of lines vertically and unnecessarily spanned many rows when other in-line fields with more text spanned many rows. |
CV1-3794 |
A prompted report did not pass on parameters from the input form to the adapl for an XSLT output format. |
CV1-3772 |
When searching for a specific object via its object number in a specific application, a 504 gateway timeout error occurred. |
CV1-3766 |
When an adapl-only output format contained a pdest 'document.txt' file instruction, the result in the browser was still a |
CV1-3765 |
In a Linked field, using the Filter button followed by a Standard search gave an Unexpected token, expected ')' instead of 'sort'. error. |